Tanzania Standard 7/Form 1 Curriculum - Vocational Subjects
1. Vocational Skills
This subject aims to equip students with practical skills for various vocations, promoting self-reliance and entrepreneurship. The curriculum covers a wide range of topics, focusing on practical application and competency development.
- 1.1 Good Grooming
- Personal hygiene practices, including hair care, body care during puberty, and menstrual hygiene management.
- Proper care and maintenance of clothing, including washing, ironing, and repairing garments.
- Maintaining cleanliness of shoes and socks.
- 1.2 Environmental Care
- Maintaining cleanliness and sanitation in residential areas, including cleaning floors, waste management, and garden care.
- Methods of controlling harmful insects and animals in the environment.
- 1.3 Cookery
- Hygienic food preparation practices and table manners.
- Preparing different types of meals and beverages, including packed meals and soft drinks.
- 1.4 Creative Arts
- Principles of singing and acting, including choral singing techniques and play development.
- Creating artwork with social messages, including drawing, collage making, and clay modeling.
- Photography and screen printing techniques.
- 1.5 Entrepreneurship
- Developing entrepreneurial skills, including market research, customer relations, and financial management.
- Protecting consumers against expired products.
- Utilizing financial services provided by banks.
- 1.6 Agricultural Production
- Principles of crop production, including planning, planting, and harvesting techniques.
- Livestock production principles, including animal selection, housing, and disease control.