Tanzania Standard 2 Curriculum - English Language

This curriculum focuses on developing core competencies in English for Standard 2 students. It emphasizes Reading, Writing, and Speaking, incorporating activities to build vocabulary and comprehension skills. The curriculum also integrates cultural appreciation and ethical practices.

Listening and Speaking

  • Objective: Develop listening and speaking skills in different contexts.
  • Activities:
      • Using singular and plural forms of nouns.
      • Expressing days of the week and months of the year.
      • Listening and responding to simple sentences and stories.
      • Engaging in simple conversations (asking and responding to questions, making polite requests, taking turns to talk about simple daily activities).
      • Telling and role-playing grade-appropriate stories.
      • Narrating simple events.
  • Resources: Real objects, word lists, wall charts, audio-visual materials.


  • Objective: Develop key reading skills including phonics, fluency, and comprehension.
  • Activities:
      • Manipulating phonemes (deleting, adding, and substituting sounds to form new words).
      • Pronouncing words with long vowel sounds.
      • Reading words with three consonant clusters.
      • Identifying and reciting similar and different sounds in words.
      • Reading simple words with familiar suffixes.
      • Reading multisyllabic words.
      • Reading grade-appropriate stories with appropriate pronunciation, tone, and speed (40 words per minute).
      • Observing basic punctuation marks (full stop, comma, exclamation, and question marks).
      • Reading grade-appropriate texts for comprehension.
  • Resources: Phonemic chart, list of words, cards, variety of texts and stories, punctuation chart, simple written texts.


  • Objective: Develop basic writing skills and apply them in creating simple texts.
  • Activities:
      • Writing texts using joined-up handwriting.
      • Writing simple texts and using basic punctuation marks (full stops, commas, and question marks).
  • Resources: Pencils, exercise books, marker pens, wall charts, punctuation charts.

Additional Competencies Covered in the Curriculum

  • Kumudu stadi za awali za Kiswahili: This component focuses on developing early Kiswahili language skills, including listening, speaking, and reading. Activities include narrating simple events, listening to and answering questions about stories, and blending sounds to form words.
  • Appreciate culture, art and sports: This section aims to cultivate an appreciation for Tanzanian culture and other cultures. Activities include identifying Tanzanian traditional houses and socio-cultural activities, relating faith and values, creating simple works of art, reciting panegyric songs and performing comedy, performing simple dances and plays, and playing simple games.
  • Care for health and environment: This component focuses on promoting healthy habits and environmental awareness. Activities include caring for one's body and clothes, observing road signs and other safety signs, making simple observations of living and non-living things in the immediate environment, and participating in environmental activities at school.

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