Thailand Mattayom 4 Curriculum - Religion and Culture
Religion and Culture is part of the Social Studies, Religion and Culture learning area in the Thailand Mattayom 4 Curriculum. This learning area aims to develop learners' understanding of their roles as citizens and members of society, both in Thailand and the world community. It emphasizes morality, ethics, and the ability to apply knowledge to real-life situations. The curriculum promotes peaceful coexistence, good citizenship, and an appreciation for Thai culture and heritage.
Religion, Morality and Ethics
This strand focuses on developing an understanding of religious history, principles, and practices, with an emphasis on Buddhism or the learner's own faith. It encourages students to apply religious teachings to their lives and promote peaceful coexistence.
Key Stage Indicators (Grades 10-12):
- Analyze Indian society and religious beliefs before the period of the Buddha or past societies relevant to the learner's own religion.
- Analyze the Buddha as a supreme human being, focusing on self-training for enlightenment, the founding and dissemination of Buddhism, or analyze the lives of the Masters of the students' own religions as prescribed.
- Analyze the life of the Buddha regarding religious administration or analyze the lives of the Masters of their religions as prescribed.
- Analyze the practices of the Middle Path in Buddhism or similar concepts in the students' own religions as prescribed.
- Analyze the development of proper faith and wisdom in Buddhism or concepts of students' own religions as prescribed.
- Analyze democratic characteristics in Buddhism or democratic concepts in students' own religions as prescribed.
- Analyze Buddhist principles and scientific principles or concepts of students' own religions as prescribed.
- Analyze self-training and self-development, self-reliance and determination to attain liberation in Buddhism or similar concepts in the students' own religions as prescribed.
- Analyze Buddhism as the science of education that emphasizes the relationship between the root causes and methods for problem-solving or similar concepts in students' own religions as prescribed.
- Analyze Buddhism regarding self-training to avoid heedlessness; aim to achieve the benefits and personal, social and world peace or concepts of students' own religions as prescribed.
- Analyze Buddhism and Sufficiency Economy Philosophy and national sustainable development or the concepts of students' own religions as prescribed.
- Analyze the importance of Buddhism regarding complete education, politics and peace or the concepts of students' own religions as prescribed.
- Analyze the principles within the framework of the Four Noble Truths or the principles of the teachings of students' own religions.
- Analyze the insights and models of living from the lives of the disciples, stories of the Buddha's previous lives, other tales and exemplary believers as prescribed.
- Analyze the value and importance of settling questions of doctrine and fixing the text of the Tipitaka (the three divisions of the Buddhist Canon) or the scriptures of students' own religions and dissemination of doctrine.
- Firmly believe in the effects of doing good deeds and evil; be able to analyze situations and decide to take action or conduct themselves reasonably and appropriately in accord with moral and ethical principles, and set goals and roles in life for peaceful coexistence and harmonious coexistence as a nation.
- Explain in brief the lives of the Masters of other religions.
- Appreciate and realize the importance of ethical values that determine the different beliefs and behaviors of believers of various religions for eliminating conflicts and for peaceful coexistence in society.
- Appreciate the value of, firmly believe in and show determination for personal improvement through spiritual and learning development by adopting the Yonisonamasikara way of thinking, or spiritual development in accord with the guidelines of students' own religions.
- Pray for the spreading of loving-kindness and train their spirit and acquire wisdom in accord with the principles of the Foundations of Mindfulness or the guidelines of their religions.
- Analyze major moral principles for peaceful coexistence of other religions, and persuade, encourage and provide support for others to recognize the importance of mutually doing good deeds.
- Propose guidelines for organizing cooperative activities of all religions for problem-solving and social development.
Civics, Culture and Living in Society
This strand aims to develop an understanding of civic duties, cultural values, and the importance of peaceful coexistence within Thai society and the global community. It covers topics such as the democratic system, cultural diversity, and human rights.
Key Stage Indicators (Grades 10-12):
- Analyze and abide by the laws relating to themselves, their families, communities, the nation and the world community.
- Analyze the importance of social structure, social refinement and social change.
- Conduct themselves and participate in encouraging others to conduct themselves so as to become good citizens of the nation and the world community.
- Evaluate human rights situations in Thailand and propose developmental guidelines.
- Analyze the necessity to improve, change and preserve Thai culture and choose to absorb universal culture.
This strand focuses on developing an understanding of economic principles, resource management, and the importance of economic cooperation. It introduces concepts such as production, consumption, and the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy.
Key Stage Indicators (Grades 10-12):
- Discuss fixing of prices and wages in the economic system.
- Realize the importance of the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy to the socio-economic system of the country.
- Realize the importance of the cooperative system to economic development at community and national levels.
- Analyze economic problems of the community and propose remedial measures.
This strand aims to develop an understanding of historical methodology, the development of mankind, and the historical development of Thailand. It encourages students to analyze historical events and their impact.
Key Stage Indicators (Grades 10-12):
- Be aware of the importance of historical times and periods indicating changes in the development of mankind.
- Create new bodies of historical knowledge through systematic application of historical methodology.
- Analyze the importance of ancient civilizations and communication between the Eastern and Western worlds affecting development and change in the world.
- Analyze various important events affecting social, economic and political changes leading to the present world.
- Analyze the effects of expansion of influence of European countries to the continents of America, Africa and Asia.
- Analyze the world situation of the 21st century.
- Analyze important issues of Thai history.
- Analyze the importance of the monarchy to the Thai nation.
- Analyze factors conducive to creation of Thai wisdom and Thai culture that affect the present Thai society.
- Analyze achievements of important persons, both Thai and foreign, who have contributed to creating Thai culture and Thai history.
- Plan, set guidelines and participate in preservation of Thai wisdom and Thai culture.
This strand focuses on developing an understanding of the Earth's physical characteristics, the relationship between humans and the environment, and the use of geographical tools. It emphasizes sustainable development and environmental conservation.
Key Stage Indicators (Grades 10-12):
- Use geographical instruments for collecting, analyzing and efficiently presenting geo-data and information.
- Analyze influence of geographical conditions causing physical problems or natural disasters in Thailand and other regions of the world.
- Analyze changes in the area influenced by geographical factors in Thailand and various continents.
- Analyze whether natural changes in the world result from human and/or natural actions.
- Analyze the situations and crises relating to natural resources and the environment of Thailand and elsewhere in the world.
- Specify preventive and problem-solving measures, roles of organizations and coordinating internal and external cooperation relating to laws on environment and management of natural resources and environment.
- Specify the guidelines for conservation of natural resources and environment in various regions of the world.
- Explain utilization of the environment for cultural creativity representing local identities both in Thailand and around the world.
- Participate in problem-solving and leading lives along the line of conservation of resources and environment for sustainable development.