Thailand Matthayom 1 Curriculum - Health and Physical Education

Health and Physical Education in Matthayom 1 (equivalent to Grade 7) focuses on providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain and improve their health and well-being. The curriculum emphasizes a holistic approach, addressing physical, mental, emotional, social, and intellectual development. It draws from the 2008 Basic Education Core Curriculum published by the Ministry of Education of Thailand.

Key Learning Strands:

  • Human Growth and Development: Students learn about the nature of human growth and development, including the factors that influence these processes. They explore the relationships and connections between the functions of different body systems and how to care for them. This includes understanding the importance of the reproductive, circulatory, and respiratory systems for overall health.
  • Life and Family: This strand focuses on self-appreciation, family relationships, and sex education. Students learn about the importance of creating and maintaining healthy relationships with others. They also explore risk behaviors related to sexual intercourse, sexually transmitted diseases (including AIDS), and premature pregnancy.
  • Movement, Physical Exercise, Games, Thai and International Sports: Students develop fundamental movement skills and participate in a variety of physical activities, games, and sports, both Thai and international. They learn about kinesthetic principles, including the use of force, balance, and coordination. The curriculum emphasizes the benefits of regular physical activity for health, physical capacity, and personal development. Students also learn about offensive and defensive strategies in sports and the importance of teamwork and sporting spirit.
  • Health Strengthening, Capacities and Disease Prevention: This strand focuses on healthy habits, including proper nutrition, hygiene, and disease prevention. Students learn how to choose nutritious foods, understand the importance of the National Health Regulations, and analyze the influence of advertising on consumption choices. They also learn about environmental factors that can affect health and how to prevent and address them. The curriculum also covers strengthening physical capacity based on fitness testing results.
  • Safety in Life: Students learn about safety and risk prevention, including protection from accidents, violence, and the misuse of medicines and addictive substances. They also learn about first aid treatment and how to seek help in dangerous situations. The curriculum emphasizes the importance of avoiding drug use and understanding the related health risks.

Learning Time Allocation:

The 2008 Basic Education Core Curriculum recommends a minimum of 80 hours per year for Health and Physical Education in Matthayom 1. Schools have the flexibility to increase this time allotment based on their resources and priorities.

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