Thailand Matthayom 1 Curriculum - Social Science
Social Science in Matthayom 1 (Grade 7) focuses on developing learners' understanding of their roles and responsibilities as citizens, fostering critical thinking skills, and building a foundation for higher-level social science concepts. The curriculum draws upon the Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) and emphasizes active learning and learner-centered approaches.
Key Competencies and Characteristics:
The Social Science curriculum aims to develop key competencies such as communication, thinking, and problem-solving. It also seeks to cultivate desirable characteristics like love of nation, honesty, self-discipline, and public-mindedness.
Learning Areas and Standards:
The curriculum covers the following learning areas with specific standards:
- Religion, Morality, and Ethics: This strand emphasizes knowledge of Buddhism or one's own religion, moral principles, and peaceful coexistence. Students analyze the importance of their religion for personal and community development. They also learn to conduct themselves appropriately in religious settings.
- Civics, Culture, and Living in Society: This strand focuses on understanding the roles and responsibilities of good citizens, observing and preserving Thai traditions and culture, and promoting peaceful coexistence. Students learn about laws related to daily life and analyze cultural changes over time. They also explore the structure and function of the Thai Constitution and the roles of sovereign powers.
- Economics: This strand covers understanding and managing resources for production and consumption, utilizing limited resources efficiently, and applying the principles of Sufficiency Economy for a balanced life. Students learn the meaning and importance of economics and analyze the factors influencing demand and supply.
- History: This strand focuses on understanding historical time periods and methodology, analyzing the development of mankind, and appreciating Thai history and culture. Students learn about the historical development of the Thai territory during the pre-Sukhothai period and analyze aspects of the Sukhothai kingdom's development. They also explore the influence of culture and wisdom from the Sukhothai period on present-day Thai society.
- Geography: This strand covers understanding the physical characteristics of the Earth, utilizing maps and geographical instruments, and appreciating the interrelationship between humans and the environment. Students learn to select and use geographical instruments to analyze data and explain the international date line. They also analyze the causes of natural disasters and link guidelines for prevention and disaster warning.
Learning Time and Activities:
The curriculum allocates a minimum learning time for each strand, allowing schools to adjust based on their needs and priorities. Learner development activities, including counseling, student activities, and activities for social and public interest, are also incorporated.
Learning assessment is conducted at the classroom, school, local, and national levels to evaluate learners' progress and achievements. Assessment methods include observation, projects, assignments, and written tests. |