Thailand Prathom 1 Curriculum - Arts and Crafts

This information is derived from the Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551 (A.D. 2008) prescribed by the Ministry of Education, Thailand.

Arts Education

The Arts curriculum aims to develop learners' creativity, artistic imagination, appreciation of beauty, aesthetics, and ethical values. These qualities enhance the quality of human life and contribute to learners' overall development – physically, mentally, intellectually, emotionally, and socially. Art also fosters environmental awareness and strengthens self-confidence, providing a foundation for future education and livelihood.

The Arts curriculum is divided into three strands: Visual Arts, Music, and Dramatic Arts.

Visual Arts

  • Standard AR1.1: Create visual art through imagination and creativity; analyze and critique the value of visual art through free expression of feelings and thoughts; appreciate and apply visual arts in daily life.
  • Standard AR1.2: Understand the relationship between visual arts, history, and culture; appreciate visual art that represents cultural heritage, local wisdom, and Thai and universal wisdom.


  • Standard AR2.1: Understand and creatively express oneself through music; analyze and critique the value of music; freely convey feelings and thoughts through music; appreciate and apply music in daily life.
  • Standard AR2.2: Understand the relationship between music, history, and culture; appreciate musical works that represent cultural heritage, local wisdom, and Thai and universal wisdom.

Dramatic Arts

  • Standard AR3.1: Understand and creatively express oneself through dramatic arts; analyze and critique the value of dramatic arts; freely express feelings and thoughts; appreciate and apply dramatic arts in daily life.
  • Standard AR3.2: Understand the relationship between dramatic arts, history, and culture; appreciate dramatic art performances that represent cultural heritage, local wisdom, and Thai and universal wisdom.

Prathom 1 Learning Outcomes

Students completing Prathom 1 are expected to achieve the following:

  • Visual Arts: Discuss shapes, forms, and sizes of objects in their surroundings. Express feelings about nature and surroundings. Develop basic skills in using materials and instruments to create visual art. Experiment with colors through simple techniques. Specify visual art seen in daily life.
  • Music: Distinguish different sounds produced by various objects. Tell characteristics of loud/soft sounds and rhythm. Recite verses and sing simple songs. Participate in musical activities with enjoyment. Tell the relevance of songs in daily life. Tell about the music of their local area. Specify music they admire in their local area.
  • Dramatic Arts: Imitate movements. Show simple gestures to communicate meaning. Tell what they like from viewing or participating in performances. Specify and play Thai children's games. Tell what they like in Thai dramatic art performances.

Curriculum Implementation

Learning management is student-centered, recognizing that all students are capable of learning and developing to their full potential. Teachers are expected to:

  • Study and analyze learners individually to plan appropriate learning activities.
  • Set learning targets for knowledge, skills, conceptual understanding, principles, relationships, and desired characteristics.
  • Design learning processes that cater to individual differences and intellectual development.
  • Create a supportive and stimulating learning environment.
  • Prepare and utilize appropriate learning media, including local wisdom and technologies.
  • Assess learners' progress through various methods.
  • Analyze assessment results for remedial and developmental actions, and to improve their own teaching methods.

Learning media should be suitable for learners' developmental levels and pace of learning. Schools and relevant agencies are encouraged to provide learning resources, learning centers, information systems, and networks. They should also produce learning media and utilize locally available materials. The selection and evaluation of learning media should consider curriculum alignment, learning objectives, accuracy of content, language appropriateness, and engaging presentation.

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