Timor-Leste's education system has undergone significant development since its independence in 2002. The system is structured as follows: two years of preschool, six years of primary school, three years of pre-secondary school, and three years of secondary education. Education is compulsory and a constitutional right from age 6 to 14, and public school is free.
A new national curriculum for preschool and the first six years of primary school has been gradually implemented. Starting in Grade 3, literacy skills are transferred to Portuguese as the language of instruction. Tetum is also used as a language of instruction in schools.
While the specific details of the Grade 3 Social Science curriculum are not readily available, the curriculum framework aims to reflect the cultural heritage of Timor-Leste, including its values, customs, and traditions. The curriculum reform focuses on improving literacy and numeracy and reducing student dropout rates.
Despite progress, the education system in Timor-Leste faces challenges such as a shortage of trained teachers, low teaching quality, and high dropout rates. Efforts are being made to address these challenges through teacher professional development programs and curriculum reforms. |