Timor Leste Primary 4 Curriculum - Health and Physical Education

Information on the specific details of the Timor Leste Primary 4 Health and Physical Education curriculum is limited. However, the following information regarding the broader educational context in Timor Leste has been gathered:

  • Primary School Curriculum: The primary school curriculum includes Portuguese language, Tetun, mathematics, science, social studies, arts and culture, moral and civic education. English is introduced in the fourth year.
  • Curriculum Development: The Ministry of Education has been gradually implementing a new curriculum for preschool and the first six years of primary school. Several initiatives have been undertaken to improve the education sector, including the Education Sector Plan (ESP) 2020-2024.
  • Health and Nutrition Programs: Various health and nutrition programs are being implemented in schools across Timor Leste. A pilot school health room initiative was launched in February 2024.

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