Togo Cours Préparatoire 1ère année (CP1) Subjects - Science
Information regarding the specific Science curriculum for CP1 in Togo is limited. However, the following information pertains to the Togolese education system and CP1:
- Cours Préparatoire 1ère année (CP1): This is the first year of primary school in Togo, equivalent to Grade 1. Students typically enter CP1 at age 5.
- Primary Education in Togo: The Togolese primary education system has undergone reforms and utilizes new manuals and guides. There is a focus on an Approach By Competency (APC). Further information on curriculum analysis and pedagogical approaches can be found in this report:
- Science Education Resources: While a detailed CP1 Science syllabus isn't readily available, some resources exist for teachers, including lesson plans for Science in CP1: These resources suggest that Science is taught in CP1 and likely covers basic scientific concepts.