Togo Collège (3ème) Curriculum - French
The Togolese education system, heavily influenced by the French system, uses French as the language of instruction. The collège level of education spans four years, from 6ème to 3ème, culminating in the Brevet d'Études du Premier Cycle du Deuxième Degré (BEPC) exam. The 3ème level represents the final year of collège.
The curriculum is similar to that used in France. Students in Togolese collèges follow the same curriculum as French students. Togo has adopted the French educational system's structure, curriculum, and language of instruction at all levels.
Approche par Compétences (APC)
Togo's collèges have been progressively implementing a competency-based approach known as Approche par Compétences (APC). This new curriculum focuses on skill development. New pedagogical guidelines were announced for the school year, accelerating educational reform in Togo. A training program on APC engineering was launched to strengthen the skills of educational staff. High school teachers are also adapting to the new APC programs.
Subjects and Resources
While specific details about the 3ème French curriculum are not readily available, some resources provide insights:
- Educational guides and execution programs for French at the 3ème level have been developed.
- New civic and moral education curricula have been developed.
Textbooks and dictionaries are available for collège* levels, including 3ème.
Math courses covering collège* and high school levels are offered, aligning with the official mathematics program in Togo.
Challenges and Initiatives
A study analyzed the challenges of teaching oral French in Togo. The Projet d'appui à la réforme des collèges (PAREC) was initiated by the Togolese Ministry of Education to address challenges within limited resources. |