Togo Collège (3ème) Curriculum - Life and Earth Sciences (SVT)
The Life and Earth Sciences (SVT) curriculum in Togo's Collège (3ème) appears to be heavily influenced by the French education system. While a specific official Togolese curriculum document could not be located, the French 3ème SVT program provides a likely approximation of the topics covered. This curriculum is designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of Earth science, biology, and human health.
I. The Planet Earth, Environment, and Human Action
- The Earth and the Solar System
- Plate Tectonics
- Earthquakes: Causes and Associated Risks
- Volcanism and Associated Risks
- Climate and Meteorology
- Dynamics of Air and Water Masses
- Climate Evolution, Climate and Meteorological Risks
- Exploitation of Natural Resources
- Ecosystems and Human Activities
- Climate Change and Ecosystems
- Global Impacts of Human Activity
II. Living World and Evolution
- Nutrition and Organization of Animals
- Nutritional Needs of Cells and Organ Organization in Living Beings
- Supplying the Body with Oxygen and Nutrients
- Blood Transport System, Waste Elimination, and Microorganisms
- Nutrition and Organization of Plants
- Sexual and Asexual Reproduction: Population Dynamics
- Sexual Reproduction and the Influence of the Environment on Population Reproduction
- Transmission of Genetic Heritage
- Kinship of Living Beings
- Kinship and Evolution of Living Beings
- Evolution of Species and Natural Selection
- Diversity and Genetic Stability of Living Beings
- Diversity of Individuals Within a Species and Location of Genetic Information
- Genetic Diversity Within a Species, the Gene and its Alleles
- Transmission of Genetic Information and Hereditary Information
III. The Human Body and Health
- How the Body Functions
- Nervous System and Responsible Behavior
- Food and Digestion
- The Microbial World and Health
- Contamination by Microorganisms and Immune Memory
- Preventing and Treating Infections
- Reproduction and Responsible Sexual Behavior
- Puberty and the Functioning of the Genital Organs
- From Fertilization to Birth
- Contraception and Medically Assisted Reproduction
It is important to note that this information is based on the French 3ème SVT program and may not perfectly reflect the Togolese curriculum. Further research or confirmation from official Togolese educational sources is recommended for complete accuracy. Additional resources related to the Togolese education system and French influence are included below.