Togo Primary 6 Curriculum - History

Information on the specific History curriculum for Primary 6 in Togo is limited. However, the following information regarding Togo's education system and history may provide some context:

Education System in Togo

  • Primary education in Togo is compulsory for six years, starting at age 6.
  • The academic year runs from October to July.
  • The education system follows a 6-4-3 structure: 6 years of primary school, 4 years of lower secondary, and 3 years of upper secondary.
  • As of 1996, the gross primary enrollment rate was 119.6 percent, and the net primary enrollment rate was 81.3 percent.
  • There are 3,283 primary schools in Togo.
  • Public expenditure on education is 4.5%.
  • The literacy rate is 51.7%.

History of Togo

  • Pre-1884: The area now known as Togo was a buffer zone between the Asante and Dahomey kingdoms. Petit Popo (Anécho) was the only port.
  • 18th Century: The Slave Coast portion of Togo was held by the Danes.
  • 1914: British and French troops invaded Togoland during World War I, and Germany surrendered on August 26th.
  • Post-WWI: Western Togo was administered by Britain, and eastern Togo by France.
  • 1960: French Togoland gained independence and became the Togolese Republic.

While the specific content of the Togo Primary 6 History curriculum remains elusive, this general information on Togo's education system and history may be helpful.

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