Togo Terminale Physics
Information regarding the specific details of the Togo Terminale Physics curriculum remains elusive. However, some relevant information has been gathered:
- General Secondary Education: Togo's secondary education system follows a 6-4-3 structure (6 years primary, 4 years lower secondary, 3 years upper secondary/Terminale). The language of instruction is French. There is a mention of curriculum revision in lower secondary including math, science, physics and technology.
- Baccalaureate Exam: The Baccalaureate exam serves as the exit exam for Terminale. A TikTok video mentions the 2023 Baccalaureat exam, including Physics for the A4 series. A UNESCO document from 1962 mentions a new physics syllabus being adopted.
- Physics Resources: While specific curriculum details are unavailable, some resources related to physics education in Togo and West Africa were found. The African School of Fundamental Physics and Applications offers online lectures and courses. A Peace Corps document mentions physics concepts covered in secondary education, including weight and mass, fluid dynamics, heat capacity, gravitational acceleration, momentum, work, and energy. The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) provides resources and past papers that may offer insights into the regional standards for physics education.
It is important to note that this information is not a comprehensive representation of the Togo Terminale Physics curriculum. Further research or contacting Togolese educational authorities would be necessary to obtain the official syllabus. |