Tunisia 5ème année de l'enseignement de base Curriculum - French Language (Reading and Writing)
This curriculum is based on the textbook "Le français... Un pas de plus," published by the Centre National Pedagogique (CNP) in Tunisia. The textbook is divided into eight modules, each focusing on a specific theme and incorporating reading, writing, grammar, conjugation, and orthography exercises. Each module begins with a "contract" outlining the learning objectives for the student.
Module 1: Rendons notre environnement plus agréable (Making Our Environment More Pleasant)
- Theme: Improving the environment, both at school and in the broader community.
- Writing Project: Recounting a personal event related to school or the environment.
- Poems: "L'école" (School) or "Silence on tourne" (Silence, We're Filming).
- Reading Texts: "Une leçon mouvementée" (A Lively Lesson), "Le respect des arbres" (Respecting Trees), instructional text on making mobiles, and a documentary text about protecting nature.
- Vocabulary: Words related to the garden, classroom, and actions like decorating and gardening.
- Grammar: Recognizing and producing declarative, interrogative, and exclamatory sentences.
- Conjugation: Recognizing present, past (passé composé), and future tenses.
Orthography: Correctly writing words ending in e, ez, es, et, and er*.
Module 2: Apprenons à vivre ensemble (Learning to Live Together)
- Theme: Living together harmoniously, focusing on friendship and unity.
- Writing Project: Recounting a personal event related to school or the environment.
- Poems: "Amitié" (Friendship) or "La force de l'union" (The Strength of Unity).
- Reading Texts: "Violetta," "L'habit d'Arlequin" (Arlequin's Costume), instructional text on making paper butterflies, and a documentary text about children's rights and animal welfare.
- Vocabulary: Words related to friendship, feelings, and cultural diversity.
- Grammar: Recognizing and producing affirmative and negative sentences.
Conjugation: Conjugating the verbs être (to be) and avoir* (to have) in the present and future tenses.
Orthography: Correctly writing words with g = j and g = gu*.
Module 3: Aidons et respectons les autres (Helping and Respecting Others)
- Theme: Kindness, respect, and solidarity towards others.
- Writing Project: Writing a dialogue between characters to recount an event related to solidarity or well-being.
- Poems: "À Martine" or "Le coeur trop petit" (The Heart Too Small).
- Reading Texts: "La collection de Nicolas" (Nicolas's Collection), "Interdit aux brutes" (No Bullies Allowed), instructional text on creating a rainbow, and a documentary text about pedestrian safety.
- Vocabulary: Words related to generosity, solidarity, and expressing gratitude and apologies.
- Grammar: Identifying the noun phrase subject (GNS) and verb phrase (GV) in a sentence.
Conjugation: Conjugating -er* verbs in the passé composé, present, and future tenses.
Orthography: Recognizing and writing feminine nouns ending in ie, ee, and ue*.
Module 4: Découvrons les secrets d'une bonne santé (Discovering the Secrets of Good Health)
- Theme: Health and well-being.
- Writing Project: Writing a dialogue between characters to recount an event related to solidarity or well-being.
- Poems: "Pour croquer le monde entier" (To Devour the Whole World) or "La cicatrice" (The Scar).
- Reading Texts: "Mamie" (Grandma), "L'angine de Riquet" (Riquet's Sore Throat), instructional text on preparing stuffed dates, and a documentary text about yoga.
- Vocabulary: Words related to health, family, and daily routines.
- Grammar: Subject-verb agreement.
Conjugation: Conjugating -ir* verbs in the present tense.
- Orthography: Subject-verb agreement.
Modules 5-8: The provided document does not contain the full text of modules 5 through 8. However, the table of contents lists the following themes and writing projects:
- Module 5: Organisons notre vie entre le travail et les loisirs (Organizing Our Lives Between Work and Leisure): Describing a person or animal.
- Module 6: Découvrons d'autres pays (Discovering Other Countries): Describing a person or animal.
- Module 7: Réalisons des projets (Carrying Out Projects): Writing a text containing a short dialogue to provide information.
- Module 8: Utilisons l'ordinateur (Using the Computer): Writing a text containing a short dialogue to provide information.
This curriculum emphasizes a communicative approach to learning French, with a focus on developing practical language skills through engaging activities and real-world contexts. It also integrates valuable life skills and encourages student autonomy and self-evaluation. |