Tunisia Basic Education System Overview

The Tunisian basic education system, known as "Enseignement de base," is compulsory and free for all children aged 6 to 15, spanning nine years. It is divided into two stages: six years of primary school and three years of preparatory education (7th, 8th, and 9th years). Students undertake a national exam at the end of the 9th year.

9th Year Basic Education

The 9th year is the final year of basic education and serves as a bridge to secondary education. While there's a common core curriculum, students begin to specialize, particularly those in the technical track.

Technical Education

Technical education is an important part of the Tunisian education system, offering students a pathway towards vocational training and specialized careers. Many technical subjects are taught in French. After completing the 9th year, students in the technical track can opt for two-year vocational programs. There are also higher technical programs leading to a "Brevet de Technicien Superieur" (BTS).

Available Resources for 9th Year Basic Education (Technical Track):

While a detailed syllabus wasn't found, some resources exist, particularly for English language learning:

  • English Resources: Official textbooks and audio files are available. A teacher's guide for 9th Year Technical Basic Education English is also available.
  • Practice Exams: Sample tests and exams for 9th-year students are available online.

Despite the lack of a specific syllabus document, the Tunisian Ministry of Education website ( may contain further information, although it was not located during this search.

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