Turkey Primary School Grade 1 Life Science (Hayat Bilgisi) Curriculum
This curriculum aims to equip students with fundamental life skills, fostering self-awareness, healthy and safe living, appreciation for societal values, environmental consciousness, and a love for their country. The curriculum is structured around six units, each exploring different aspects of a child's life.
Unit 1: Life at School (Okulumuzda Hayat)
This unit introduces students to the school environment and its routines. Topics include:
- Introduction and Classmates: Getting to know the teacher and classmates, recognizing similarities and differences among peers (including those with special needs).
- School Safety: Following safety rules during arrival and departure, understanding basic directional concepts (left, right, front, back, etc.), and identifying classroom resources and the flag station.
- School Facilities and Staff: Locating the classroom within the school, exploring different school areas (administrative office, teacher's room, library, etc.), and recognizing school staff (principal, teachers, etc.).
- Classroom Rules and Activities: Participating in setting classroom rules, following school rules, and understanding appropriate communication etiquette.
- School Events and Playtime: Participating in school events, engaging in playtime, and developing a positive attitude towards school.
- Classroom Materials: Selecting and using appropriate learning materials.
Unit 2: Life at Home (Evimizde Hayat)
This unit focuses on family and home life. Topics include:
- Family Members: Identifying family members and their roles, understanding the importance of family life, and describing their home location.
- Home Safety and Responsibilities: Communicating respectfully with family members, using home resources efficiently, and understanding the difference between wants and needs.
- Daily Planning: Planning daily activities (playtime, study time, rest, etc.).
Unit 3: Healthy Life (Sağlıklı Hayat)
This unit promotes healthy habits and well-being. Topics include:
- Personal Hygiene: Maintaining personal hygiene (washing hands, brushing teeth, bathing, etc.).
- Health and Safety: Understanding measures to protect health, choosing healthy food and drinks, and preparing simple snacks hygienically.
- Dining Etiquette and Media Use: Following dining etiquette and using media mindfully.
Unit 4: Safe Life (Güvenli Hayat)
This unit emphasizes safety in various situations. Topics include:
- Home and School Safety: Following safety rules at home and school, observing traffic behavior, and following traffic rules.
- Personal Safety: Applying safety rules when interacting with others, knowing emergency contact numbers, and using technological devices safely.
- Safe and Unsafe Areas: Differentiating between safe and unsafe areas.
Unit 5: Life in Our Country (Ülkemizde Hayat)
This unit introduces students to their country and its culture. Topics include:
- Local Area and National Identity: Knowing their place of residence, recognizing local landmarks, and understanding general features of Turkey (name, capital, flag, anthem).
- Cultural Diversity and National Figures: Recognizing cultural diversity within Turkey, learning about Atatürk's life, and participating in national celebrations.
- Religious Observances: Participating in religious holidays.
Unit 6: Life in Nature (Doğada Hayat)
This unit explores the natural world and its importance. Topics include:
- Plants and Animals: Observing local plants and animals, understanding their needs, and showing care for them.
- Environmental Awareness: Being sensitive towards environmental cleanliness, identifying recyclable materials, and observing celestial bodies (Sun, Moon, stars).
- Seasons and Natural Phenomena: Exploring seasons and their characteristics, understanding changes in nature across seasons.