Turkey Lise 12th Grade Curriculum - History of Mathematics and Applications
This course is a 2-hour per week elective offered to 12th-grade students in the sayısal (science/mathematics) track. While titled "History of Mathematics and Applications," the current curriculum emphasizes practical applications of mathematics. The historical context is likely integrated within the application-focused units.
Core Curriculum (Mathematics Applications I & II):
The Ministry of National Education (MEB) has outlined a two-part curriculum for Mathematics Applications (Matematik Uygulamaları). These courses must be taken sequentially (I before II). Each course comprises 72 hours of instruction.
Mathematics Applications I:
- Mathematics and Planning: Data collection, representation (tables, graphs - line, column, circle, histogram), interpretation, and presentation of research findings.
- Mathematics and Budgeting: Data collection related to project budgets (e.g., room decoration, game area design, model house construction), comparison of expenses using tables and graphs, budget preparation, and presentation.
- Mathematics and Geometric Solids: Exploring the relationship between faces, vertices, and edges of geometric solids (e.g., prisms, pyramids), and applying surface area and volume calculations.
- Mathematics and Space: Understanding astronomical units (e.g., astronomical unit, lunar mass, Earth mass, solar mass, distance to the Sun, distance to the Moon, light-year, parsec), performing calculations related to planetary gravity, and comparing distances between planets, stars, and galaxies.
- Mathematics and Current Events: Creating surveys on current issues (local, national, or global), representing survey data using tables and graphs, interpreting data, and presenting findings.
- Mathematics and Healthy Living: Collecting data related to healthy lifestyle choices (nutrition, diet, exercise), comparing options using tables and graphs, and developing a personalized healthy lifestyle plan.
- Mathematics and Leisure Activities: Analyzing budgeted activities (sports, celebrations, vacations, school performances) in terms of cost and scheduling, comparing options, creating a personal activity program, and presenting the plan.
Mathematics Applications II:
- Mathematics and Sustainability: Developing strategies to reduce carbon footprint, solving real-life problems related to climate change, and developing strategies to increase recycling rates.
- Mathematics and Art: Exploring Fibonacci numbers and the golden ratio in nature, connecting mathematics with traditional Turkish crafts (carpet weaving, tile making, illumination), relating mathematics to music (intervals, rhythm, duration, tempo), connecting mathematics with architecture (geometric shapes in traditional architecture), and creating geometric designs using given ratios (e.g., Turkish flag, origami, tangram).
- Mathematics and Strategy Games: Mathematically modeling strategy games (e.g., Mangala, checkers, chess) and applying these models.
- Mathematics and Route Planning: Determining travel routes (calculating route angles) and calculating compass angles using trigonometric ratios.
- Mathematics and Risk Management: Differentiating insurance policies based on type and coverage, calculating premiums, and comparing policies.
- Mathematics and Work Life: Researching expenses for a chosen career field, comparing income and expenses using tables and graphs, preparing a sample business budget, and presenting the budget.
This information is based on the available curriculum documents and may not be exhaustive. Further details may be available through the Ministry of National Education (MEB). |