Turkey Lise Visual Arts / Music Curriculum

This outlines the curriculum for Visual Arts and Music for Lise (High School) level in Turkey, based on official documents from the Ministry of National Education. It specifically details the curriculum for grades 9-12.

Visual Arts

The Visual Arts curriculum focuses on developing students' artistic skills, knowledge, and appreciation. It covers three main learning areas: Art History and Aesthetics, Cultural Heritage, and Shaping in Visual Arts.

9th Grade:

  • Art History and Aesthetics: Introduction to art, its evolution, and significance; Classification of fine arts; Art as a universal language; Atatürk's emphasis on art and art education.
  • Cultural Heritage: Introduction to museology; Importance of museums and art galleries; Preservation of art and cultural values.
  • Shaping in Visual Arts: Exploring point, line, texture, light and shadow, perspective, and color; Basic drawing and color application techniques; Using various materials and applying artistic principles.

10th Grade:

  • Art History and Aesthetics: Traditional Turkish arts (miniature and ebru); Pre-Republican era Turkish painting; Contemporary Turkish painting; Influence of various factors on individual artistic trends after 1950.
  • Cultural Heritage: Exploring local historical sites and artifacts; Introduction to museums in Turkey; Understanding different cultures through museums and art galleries.
  • Shaping in Visual Arts: Figure drawing, focusing on proportion and perspective; Color application techniques (pastel, watercolor, gouache, collage); Three-dimensional studies using various materials.

11th Grade:

  • Art History and Aesthetics: Overview of Western painting (pre-modern); Modern art movements (Fauvism, Impressionism, Cubism, etc.); Western artists influenced by traditional Turkish arts.
  • Cultural Heritage: Atatürk's contributions to museums; Educational functions of museums; Creating original works inspired by museum artifacts.
  • Shaping in Visual Arts: Portrait drawing; Graphic arts and design; Printmaking techniques; Acrylic painting, incorporating elements of traditional Turkish miniature art.

12th Grade:

  • Art History and Aesthetics: Postmodern art; Modern and postmodern artists and their works; The influence of technology on contemporary art.
  • Cultural Heritage: World-renowned museums; Turkish cultural heritage in foreign museums; The role of museums in building cultural bridges.
  • Shaping in Visual Arts: Multi-figure compositions; Caricature; Photography; Abstract painting using ebru techniques; Textile design; Industrial product design.

Music (Turkish Art Music Chorus)

The Music curriculum focuses on Turkish Art Music, specifically choral singing. It covers vocal training, makam (mode) knowledge, applying makams in musical pieces, and repertoire studies.

9th Grade:

  • Choral Vocal Training: Elements of voice, the human vocal system, resonance, registers, and changes in voice during mutation. Basic choral singing behaviors and techniques, intonation, and working with a conductor.
  • Turkish Art Music Makam Knowledge: Çargah, Buselik, and Kürdi makams.
  • Makam Applications: Performing vocal pieces and hymns in Çargah, Buselik, and Kürdi makams.
  • Repertoire Study: Learning about composers and lyricists, makam analysis, solfège, solo performances, and nuances in repertoire pieces.

10th Grade:

  • Turkish Art Music Makam Knowledge: Rast, Uşşak, and Hüseyni makams.
  • Makam Applications: Performing vocal pieces and hymns in Rast, Uşşak, and Hüseyni makams.
  • Repertoire Study: Similar to 9th grade, with increased focus on nuances.

11th Grade:

  • Turkish Music Theory: Nihâvend, Hicaz, Hicaz-Uşşak, Hicaz-Hümayun, Hicaz-Zirgüle, and Karcığar makams.
  • Makam Applications: Performing vocal pieces and hymns in the specified makams.
  • Repertoire Study: Similar to previous years, with continued development of skills.

12th Grade:

  • Turkish Art Music Makam Knowledge: Saba, Segah, Kürdilihicazkâr, and Hüzzam makams. May also touch upon Bestenigâr, Dügâh, and Sultaniyegâh makams.
  • Makam Applications: Performing vocal pieces and hymns in the specified makams.
  • Repertoire Study: Similar to previous years, culminating in advanced performance skills.

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