Turkey Lise Physics Curriculum (12th Grade)
The 12th-grade physics curriculum in Turkey, as outlined by the Ministry of National Education (MEB), aims to equip students with a comprehensive understanding of fundamental physics concepts and their applications in modern technology. The curriculum emphasizes a conceptual understanding of physics, problem-solving skills, and the ability to relate physics principles to real-world scenarios. The curriculum is divided into six units, covering topics from classical mechanics to modern physics.
First Semester:
- Unit 1: Circular Motion: This unit introduces the concepts of uniform circular motion, including linear and angular velocity, centripetal acceleration and force, moment of inertia, and angular momentum. It also covers rotational and rolling motion, and explores the law of universal gravitation and Kepler's laws of planetary motion.
- Unit 2: Simple Harmonic Motion: This unit explores the principles of simple harmonic motion, using examples like spring oscillators and simple pendulums. Concepts covered include displacement, amplitude, restoring force, equilibrium point, period, and frequency.
- Unit 3: Wave Mechanics (Part 1): The first part of this unit focuses on wave phenomena, including diffraction, interference, and the Doppler effect. It covers these concepts in the context of both mechanical waves (like water waves) and light waves.
Second Semester:
- Unit 3: Wave Mechanics (Part 2): The second part of this unit delves into electromagnetic waves, exploring their properties and the electromagnetic spectrum.
- Unit 4: Introduction to Atomic Physics and Radioactivity: This unit introduces the historical development of atomic theory, culminating in the Bohr model. It also covers the Big Bang theory, subatomic particles, antimatter, radioactivity, nuclear fission and fusion, and the effects of radiation on living organisms.
- Unit 5: Modern Physics: This unit explores key concepts in modern physics, including Einstein's theory of special relativity (with a focus on time dilation, length contraction, and mass-energy equivalence), blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect, the Compton effect, and de Broglie's wavelength.
- Unit 6: Applications of Modern Physics in Technology: This unit examines the applications of modern physics in various technologies, such as imaging technologies (X-rays, MRI, PET, CT, ultrasound), semiconductor technology (diodes, transistors, LEDs, solar cells), superconductors, nanotechnology, and lasers.
The curriculum encourages the use of experiments, simulations, and real-world examples to enhance understanding and promote critical thinking. It also emphasizes the importance of scientific research ethics and the contributions of Turkish and Islamic scientists to the field of physics. |