Tuvalu Class 5 Primary School Syllabus - Religious Education
Information regarding the specific curriculum for Class 5 Religious Education in Tuvalu is not readily available. However, the following general information about education and religion in Tuvalu may be helpful:
Education in Tuvalu
- Primary education is free and compulsory.
- There are nine government primary schools, one on each of the outer islands, and three private primary schools located in Funafuti.
- The primary school curriculum has been under review.
Religion in Tuvalu
- The Constitution of Tuvalu guarantees freedom of religion, including the right not to receive religious instruction or attend religious ceremonies at school.
- While the Church of Tuvalu (a Protestant denomination) is the predominant religion, other faiths, such as the Seventh-day Adventist Church, are also present.
- Some non-government schools include religious instruction in their curriculum.