Uganda Primary 1 Religious Education Curriculum
This curriculum covers two subjects: Christian Religious Education (CRE) and Islamic Religious Education (IRE). This entry focuses on IRE, based on the Primary One IRE Teacher's Resource Book from the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC).
Term 1
- Theme 1: Reading from the Holy Qur'an
- Talking about the Holy Qur'an: Introduction to the Qur'an as the Holy book for Muslims, revealed to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), containing Allah's laws.
- Different Greetings in Our Community: Exploring various greetings and their importance as signs of respect, including the Islamic greeting (Salaam).
- The Islamic Greeting (Salaam): Learning the proper way to say and respond to Salaam, understanding its meaning and significance.
- Theme 2: Tawhiid (Faith)
- My Relationship with the Creator: Understanding Allah as the creator of everything and our relationship with Him.
- My Body Parts: Recognizing our body parts as gifts from Allah and learning to care for them.
- Importance of Body Parts: Understanding the function and value of our body parts.
- Theme 3: Fiqh (Practice)
- Ablution: Introduction to ablution (ritual washing) as a preparation for prayer.
- Types of Ablution: Exploring different types of ablution, including wudhu (partial ablution) and tayammum (dry ablution).
- Things Used While Getting Ablution: Identifying the materials used for ablution.
- Theme 4: Moral Spiritual Teachings
- Dua Before and After Meals: Learning prayers (dua) to say before and after meals, expressing gratitude to Allah.
- Dua for Parents: Learning prayers (dua) for parents.
- Dua Before Bed: Learning prayers (dua) to say before going to bed.
Term 2
- Theme 1: Reading from the Holy Qur'an
- Reciting Surat Ikhlas: Learning to recite Surat Ikhlas (Chapter 112 of the Qur'an).
- Meaning of Surat Ikhlas: Understanding the meaning and message of Surat Ikhlas.
- Reciting Surat Ikhlas in Transliteration: Practicing the recitation of Surat Ikhlas using transliteration.
- Theme 2: Tawhiid (Faith)
- Attributes of Allah: Learning about Allah's attributes, such as Omnipotent, Omnipresent, and Omniscient.
- The Meaning of Allah's Attributes: Understanding the meaning of Allah's attributes.
- More Attributes of Allah: Exploring additional attributes of Allah, such as Most Loving, Most Caring, The First, and The Last.
- Theme 3: Fiqh (Practice)
- Things to Consider Before Reading the Holy Qur'an: Learning the proper etiquette for handling and reading the Qur'an.
- Theme 4: Moral and Spiritual Teaching (Hadith)
- Ways of Showing Respect in Different Societies: Exploring different ways of showing respect in various cultures.
- Acting Out Ways of Showing Respect in Society: Practicing respectful behavior through role-playing.
- Importance of Showing Respect in Different Societies: Understanding the value and importance of respect in society.
- Theme 5: The History of Islam
- My Tribe and Clan: Learning about one's own tribe and clan.
- The Clan and Tribe of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Learning about the Prophet's lineage.
- A Rhyme About the Clan and Tribe of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Reinforcing the learning through rhymes.
Term 3
- Theme 1: Reading from the Holy Qur'an
- Reciting Surat An-Nas: Learning to recite Surat An-Nas (Chapter 114 of the Qur'an).
- Meaning of Surat An-Nas: Understanding the meaning and message of Surat An-Nas.
- Read Surat An-Nas in Arabic: Practicing the recitation of Surat An-Nas in Arabic.
- Theme 2: Tawhiid (Faith)
- Belief in the Existence of Allah: Reinforcing the belief in Allah's existence through observation of creation.
- Things Created by Allah: Identifying and appreciating things created by Allah.
- Signs that Show Allah's Existence: Recognizing signs in the environment that point to Allah's existence.
- Theme 3: Fiqh (Practice)
- Physical Purity: Understanding the concept of physical purity in Islam.
- Things Used in Physical Purity: Identifying items used for maintaining physical purity.
- Kinds of Water Used in Physical Purity: Learning about the types of water suitable for ablution.
- Theme 4: Moral and Spiritual Teachings
- Cleanliness of the Body: Understanding the importance of personal hygiene.
- Cleanliness of the Cloth: Learning about the importance of clean clothing.
- Cleanliness of the Environment: Understanding the importance of a clean environment.
- Theme 5: The History of Islam
- Muhammad's Trip to Syria: Learning about the Prophet's journey to Syria.
- Muhammad Meeting a Christian Monk: Learning about the Prophet's encounter with Bahirah, the monk.
- Importance of Muhammad's Trip to Syria: Understanding the significance of the Prophet's journey.
Additional information about the CRE curriculum, specifically the "Discovering God's Gift to Me" theme, was limited based on the available search results. |