Uganda Primary 3 Mathematics Curriculum

This document outlines the Uganda Primary 3 Mathematics curriculum, drawing primarily from the Teacher's Guide provided by the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC). The curriculum is organized thematically, with mathematical concepts integrated into the broader themes. This structure aims to make learning more relevant and engaging for students. Emphasis is placed on a child-centered approach, incorporating practical activities, problem-solving, and discussion.

Term 1

  • Theme 1: Our Sub-county/Division
Counting:* Numbers 0-999, counting in sets (including the empty set), counting in 2s and 5s up to 100. Number Symbols and Place Value:* Reading and writing number symbols 0-999, understanding place value for 3-digit numbers. Addition:* Adding two 2-digit and 3-digit numbers (sum < 100), both horizontally and vertically, with and without carrying. Subtraction:* Subtracting 2-digit and 3-digit numbers (difference < 100), with and without borrowing. Geometry:* Drawing a sketch map of the school grounds, indicating direction and comparative distance.
  • Theme 2: Livelihood in Our Sub-county/Division
Counting:* Numbers 0-2000, counting in 10s and 100s. Number Symbols and Place Value:* Reading and writing number symbols 999-2000, understanding place value for 4-digit numbers. Addition:* Adding two 3-digit numbers (sum < 3000), both horizontally and vertically, with and without carrying. Geometry:* Drawing a map of a journey from home to school, showing estimated/correct distance.
  • Theme 3: Our Environment (I)
Counting:* Numbers 2000-3000. Number Symbols and Place Value:* Reading and writing number symbols 2000-3000, understanding place value for 4-digit numbers. Addition:* Adding liters. Measurement:* Measuring and recording length in meters.
  • Theme 4: Our Environment and Weather
Counting:* Numbers 3000-4000. Number Symbols and Place Value:* Reading and writing number names for hundreds and thousands. Subtraction:* Solving word problems on subtraction of capacity with no borrowing. Data Handling:* Making and recording a class weather chart, interpreting and recording data from the chart.

Term 2

  • Theme 5: Living Things
Counting:* Numbers 4000-5000. Subtraction:* Subtracting 3-digit and 4-digit numbers up to 4000 vertically, without borrowing. Multiplication:* Multiplying by 2, 3, and 10, understanding the commutative property of multiplication, solving word problems involving multiplication. Data Handling:* Representing collected data on a bar graph.
  • Theme 6: Plants
Counting:* Numbers 5000-7000. Subtraction:* Subtracting 3-digit numbers up to 5000 vertically, with borrowing. Relating addition and subtraction. Multiplication:* Multiplying by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 a 3-digit number up to 500. Solving word problems involving multiplication. Division:* Dividing up to 300 by 2, 3, 4, and 5 with no remainder. Relating multiplication and division. Measurement:* Measuring weight in kg and g.
  • Theme 7: Managing Our Resources
Counting:* Numbers 7000-9999. Subtraction:* Subtracting Ugandan currency. Multiplication:* Multiplying by 6. Solving word problems with multiplication using multiplication tables up to 6. Division:* Dividing by 6 with no remainder. Measurement:* Identifying and using Ugandan currency up to USh 50,000. Making a budget.
  • Theme 8: Living Together in Peace

Addition:* Adding grams. Subtraction:* Subtracting grams and Ugandan currency. Multiplication:* Multiplying by 6 and 7. Solving money problems using multiplication. Division:* Dividing by 6 and 7 with remainders. Fractions:* Understanding and working with fractions (halves, quarters, tenths). Using fraction strips to compare and order fractions.

Term 3

  • Theme 9: Culture and Gender
Addition:* Adding fractions with the same denominator. Subtraction:* Subtracting fractions with the same denominator. Multiplication:* Multiplying by 8. Solving word problems using multiplication tables up to 8. Division:* Dividing by 8 with remainder. Time:* Understanding and using days of the week, months of the year, and interpreting calendars.
  • Theme 10: Our Health
Addition:* Adding Ugandan currency vertically. Multiplication:* Multiplying by 9. Solving word problems using multiplication tables up to 9. Division:* Dividing by 8 and 9 with remainders. Time:* Reading clocks, understanding hours, half-hours, quarter-hours, and minutes. Making a timetable of daily habits. Measurement:* Measuring rainfall with a rain gauge.
  • Theme 11: Basic Technology
Multiplication:* Solving word problems using multiplication tables up to 9. Division:* Dividing by 9 with remainder. Solving word problems with division. Geometry:* Calculating perimeter and area of shapes. Identifying solids (cube, cuboid, sphere, cylinder). Modeling and making nets of solids.
  • Theme 12: Energy
Revision:* Review of all concepts covered throughout the year.

This curriculum emphasizes the integration of life skills and values throughout the learning process. Activities are designed to promote critical thinking, creative thinking, problem-solving, effective communication, and cooperation, among other skills. The thematic approach allows for connections between mathematical concepts and real-world situations, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for mathematics. The Teacher's Guide ( provides detailed information on teaching methodologies, assessment guidelines, and sample lesson plans.

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