Ukraine Health and Safety Curriculum (Grades 5-9)

This outlines the Health and Safety curriculum for grades 5-9, based on the curriculum provided by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Grade 5 (35 hours + 4 reserve hours)

  • Human Health (5 hours): This section covers human life, health, and a healthy lifestyle. Students learn about safety, danger, and principles of safe living, including creating action plans for dangerous situations and identifying emergency contacts. Practical tasks include modeling behavior when feeling unwell, practicing temperature measurement, and practicing action plans for dangerous situations. Road safety for pedestrians and public transport users is also addressed.
  • Mental and Spiritual Health (5 hours): This section focuses on effective learning, time management, and respect for oneself and others. Students learn about active listening, memory improvement techniques, and expressing feelings. Practical tasks include creating daily routines, practicing successful learning strategies, and developing self-esteem and respect for others.
  • Physical Health (5 hours): This section covers physical health factors, including cold exposure training, motion activity, and injury prevention during sports and games. Students learn about proper posture, backpack weight limits, safety equipment for sports, and first aid for falls and injuries. Practical tasks include performing posture and ocular gymnastics, calculating backpack weight, modeling first aid for injuries, and practicing self-rescue on ice.
  • Social Health (16 hours): This section is divided into two topics:
      • Social Well-being: This topic covers children's rights and responsibilities, effective communication, and secure internet communication. Practical tasks include creating memos on children's rights and obligations, practicing effective communication skills, and practicing secure internet communication.
      • Safety in Everyday Life and the Environment: This topic covers fire safety, home security, environmental hazards, and natural disasters. Students learn about fire extinguishing methods, home security risks, environmental pollution, and how to behave during natural disasters. Practical tasks include practicing fire evacuation drills, studying home security, modeling safe behavior with people, and practicing safe behavior during natural disasters.

Grade 6 (35 hours + 4 reserve hours)

  • Human Health (4 hours): This section covers health components, types and risk factors for life and health, and the influence of the environment on health. Students learn to assess risks in everyday situations and behave safely with strangers.
  • Physical Health (6 hours): This section focuses on nutrition and personal hygiene. Students learn about nutrients, healthy eating habits, food safety, and personal hygiene practices.
  • Mental and Spiritual Health (6 hours): This section covers the mental development of teenagers, habit formation, self-esteem, and decision-making. Students learn about the influence of habits on health, the importance of self-esteem, and how to make balanced decisions.
  • Social Health (15 hours): This section is divided into two topics:
      • Social Well-being: This topic covers communication styles, conflict resolution, and building healthy relationships.
      • Safety in Everyday Life and the Environment: This topic covers home safety, fire safety, and traffic safety for cyclists. Students learn about safe use of household appliances and chemicals, fire prevention and evacuation, and bicycle safety.

Grade 7 (35 hours + 4 reserve hours)

  • Human Health (9 hours): This section covers healthy lifestyles, disease prevention, and safety principles. Topics include infectious and non-infectious diseases, road safety, and fire safety in public places.
  • Physical Health (4 hours): This section focuses on the individual development of teenagers, including physical development, skin care, and hygiene.
  • Mental and Spiritual Health (9 hours): This section covers mental and spiritual development, emotional well-being, and learning skills. Topics include stress management, conflict resolution, and effective learning techniques.
  • Social Health (9 hours): This section covers social health factors, including social security, the influence of mass media, and diseases of civilization. Students learn about the impact of social environment, the risks of addiction, and the prevention of socially significant diseases.

Grade 8 (35 hours + 4 reserve hours)

  • Human Health (6 hours): This section covers the transition to adulthood, including physiological, psychological, and social maturity. Emergency preparedness and first aid are also addressed.
  • Physical Health (5 hours): This section focuses on health-improving systems, food safety, and nutrition. Students learn about different health systems, food poisoning prevention, and healthy eating habits.
  • Mental and Spiritual Health (5 hours): This section covers personality development, self-awareness, and the formation of values. Students learn about the importance of self-esteem, the development of intelligence, and the influence of fashion on health.
  • Social Health (15 hours): This section is divided into two topics:
      • Social Well-being: This section addresses social aspects of puberty, reproductive health, and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), including HIV/AIDS.
      • Safety in Everyday Life and the Environment: This section covers road safety, environmental safety, social security, and information security. Students learn about traffic laws, environmental hazards, legal liability, and online safety.

Grade 9 (35 hours + 4 reserve hours)

  • Human Health (3 hours): This section focuses on maintaining a healthy lifestyle and understanding the factors that affect health.
  • Physical Health (6 hours): This section covers maintaining and strengthening physical health, including physical activity, personal hygiene, and health monitoring.
  • Mental and Spiritual Health (12 hours): This section covers self-realization, emotional well-being, learning skills, and character development. Students learn about career guidance, emotional maturity, effective learning techniques, and character improvement.
  • Social Health (10 hours): This section is divided into two topics:
      • Social Well-being: This section covers social competence, family values, reproductive health, and HIV/AIDS prevention.
      • Modern Complex of Security Problems: This section covers security at the individual, national, and global levels, including national security priorities, global threats, and sustainable development.

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