United Kingdom Year 9 Humanities
Year 9 history curriculum focuses on understanding important events and their impact on the modern world. Common topics include:
- Challenges for Britain, Europe, and the wider world (1901-present): This includes examining the rise of dictatorships in Europe and the events of World War II.
- The British Empire: Students build on their understanding of the British Empire and its decolonization.
- The Cold War:
- Racial injustice:
- LGBTQ+ History:
- The Holocaust:
- The Industrial Revolution:
Year 9 geography curriculum covers physical, human, and environmental geography. Students develop locational knowledge, place knowledge, and geographical skills. Topics include:
- Coastal Environments: Students learn about coastal processes such as erosion.
- Oceans:
- Climate Change:
- Landscapes of the UK: Students study the distribution of upland, lowland, and glaciated landscapes.
- Map skills: Including map symbols, direction, contour lines, measuring distances, and grid references.
Religious Education (RE)
Year 9 RE curriculum bridges Key Stage 3 and GCSE, focusing on theology, ethics, and philosophy. Students deepen their understanding of Christian and Muslim beliefs. Topics include:
- Kingdom of God: Including Christian beliefs about the kingdom of God, biblical texts about heaven and life after death, and Protestant and Roman Catholic beliefs about life after death.
- Creation, human beings, and the environment:
- The impact of faith on the life of a believer:
- Christian beliefs and teachings: Including the nature and characteristics of God, life and creation, and the Trinity.
- Introduction to Islam: Including Islamic beliefs, the Five Pillars, key teachings, the Qur'an, the Mosque, and Muslims in Britain.