Uruguay First Year of Bachillerato Diversificado - History
This course focuses on providing students with a comprehensive understanding of historical events and processes, emphasizing critical thinking, analytical skills, and the construction of historical knowledge. The curriculum is structured around three main segments:
Segment 1: Global History from 1945 to the 1990s
This segment explores the global impacts of World War II, including the rise of totalitarian regimes and genocides such as the Holocaust. It also examines the Cold War, its characteristics, the fall of the Berlin Wall, the dissolution of the USSR, and the resulting geopolitical reconfiguration. The cultural dimension of the Cold War, including cultural manifestations as propaganda and critique, is also studied.
Segment 2: Latin America during the Cold War and the Crisis of the Industrialization Model
This segment focuses on Latin America's experience during the Cold War, considering long-standing structures, interests, key figures, and local dimensions of the conflict. It examines the various experiences of the industrialization model, including reformist and populist movements, the role of the state, societal changes, and the eventual crisis of this model. The segment also explores the political crisis, the rise of civil-military dictatorships, their economic projects, human rights violations, and the transitions back to republican systems and democracy.
Segment 3: Key Processes and Events from the late 20th and early 21st Centuries
This segment examines key global and continental processes and events from the late 20th and early 21st centuries, including globalization, the digital age, new social movements (indigenous, feminist, LGBTQ+), citizenship, and social changes. It also explores the various centers of political and economic power and the formation of regional blocs in Latin America. Economic markets and environmental problems at both global and local scales are also considered. The segment also includes a focus on thought, arts, and cultures in Latin America, highlighting the richness and diversity of expressions in rural and urban settings.
Throughout the course, cultural aspects are integrated into the analysis of historical processes. The curriculum emphasizes the development of ten general competencies, including communication, metacognitive skills, critical thinking, creative thinking, scientific thinking, local, global, and digital citizenship, interpersonal relations, intrapersonal skills, and initiative and orientation towards action. |