Uruguay Primer Grado (1st Grade) Mathematics Syllabus

This information is derived from the official "Matemática - Tramo 2" curriculum document published by ANEP (Administración Nacional de Educación Pública), which covers both 1st and 2nd grades.

General Profile for Tramo 2 (1st and 2nd Grade): By the end of this stage, students are expected to experience and appreciate the environment and natural and cultural heritage. They inquire about the individual-environment relationship and basic relationships within ecosystems in their immediate surroundings. They identify socio-environmental problems and investigate their causes. Students participate in and develop collaborative, cooperative, and supportive activities. They listen to the opinions of others, acknowledge different perspectives, and are mindful of differences in mediated situations. They understand rules, follow them, and participate in their creation, assuming assigned responsibilities and identifying problems in coexistence. They progressively incorporate the cultural basis of norms and begin to differentiate fair from unfair situations when they are involved, contributing their own opinions in a mediated way. With guidance, they select and use the most appropriate digital resources available in their environment to fulfill given instructions. They explore digital content of interest within the school environment.

Specific Competencies and Content for 1st Grade:

Specific Competencies:

  • Mathematical Language and Objects: Incorporates and values the importance of mathematical language and objects, relating them to their immediate environment to communicate universally, arguing ideas and decisions made.
  • Mathematical Strategies: Uses different mathematical strategies, connecting concepts and explaining procedures used to solve problems in different contexts.
  • Modeling Reality: Models reality through mathematical objects to promote understanding and interpretation, integrating technological resources among other tools.
  • Mathematical Thinking: Develops mathematical thinking through exploration, conjecture, validation, refutation, and formulation of generalizations for the production of mathematical knowledge.
  • Learning from Errors: Values errors as learning opportunities to contribute to personal growth through teamwork, expressing opinions, and listening to peers' opinions.
  • Commercial, Economic, and Financial Concepts: Recognizes and uses commercial, economic, and financial concepts to understand their impact on daily life and make rational decisions, prioritizing personal and social well-being.
  • Quantifying Uncertainty: Identifies, organizes, and compares information to quantify uncertainty, establish relationships, describe phenomena, and make decisions.


  • Number (Numeration): Natural Number Numeration (counting, representations, order), Additive Composition and Decomposition, Rational Numeration (parts of the unit, half), Operations (addition, subtraction, mental calculation, meanings of operations, relationships between addition and subtraction, properties of addition, algorithms).
  • Figure (Geometry): Geometry in Space (polyhedra and non-polyhedra, elements of polyhedra, characteristics of non-polyhedra, properties, inter- and intra-figural relationships), Geometry in the Plane (polygons and non-polygons, elements of polygons, inter- and intra-figural relationships).
  • Variable (Algebra/Pre-Algebra - Introduced more formally from 3rd Grade onwards): Introduction to Probability and Statistics (statistical work, analysis of the frequency of events, interpretation and production of lists and tables, interpretation and creation of graphs, random experiments), Magnitudes and Measurements (magnitudes associated with geometry, time, and physical space, measurements, measuring instruments, measurement and units of measurement).

Achievement Criteria for 1st Grade Evaluation:

  • Applies addition and subtraction of natural numbers to solve problems and provide relevant and appropriate answers to the context.
  • Identifies different registers of representation of mathematical objects through reading and writing to build meaning.
  • Develops different counting procedures to solve playful and real-life situations.
  • Recognizes elements in plane and space figures to establish relationships between them and communicates this.
  • Identifies problem situations and tries different strategies to find ways to solve them and justify the solutions obtained.
  • Applies and uses the most common forms and supports in which money is presented to communicate results and pose situations.
  • Organizes information through tables and graphs to interpret specific situations.
  • Recognizes different magnitudes to identify the corresponding measuring instrument.

This detailed outline provides a comprehensive overview of the expected learning outcomes and content covered in the Uruguay Primer Grado Mathematics curriculum. It is important to note that the order of topics and specific activities are subject to teacher discretion and may vary based on individual student needs and learning styles.

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