Uruguay Comunicación y Sociedad (Tramo 6) Curriculum

This curriculum outlines the Communication and Society subject within the Tramo 6 (9th Grade) of the Uruguayan Educación Básica Integrada (EBI). It emphasizes a communicative approach, integrating various languages and non-linguistic codes. The curriculum prioritizes student-centered learning, focusing on developing essential literacy skills and fostering critical thinking.

Fundamental Competencies

The curriculum aims to develop specific competencies that contribute to the broader General Competencies outlined in the Marco Curricular Nacional (MCN). These include:

  • Communication: Developing oral, reading, and writing skills across different registers, adapting communication processes to specific contexts.
  • Creative Thinking: Gradually and reflectively accessing symbolic levels of language for text production.
  • Critical Thinking: Constructing viewpoints, elaborating arguments, socializing them, and considering alternative perspectives.
  • Scientific Thinking: Recognizing theoretical models for analyzing communication, culture, and technology.
  • Computational Thinking: Incorporating modeling and systematization from linguistics for problem-solving.
  • Metacognitive Competence: Reflecting on linguistic and metalinguistic learning through process monitoring and strategy selection.
  • Intrapersonal Competence: Exploring emotions through recognizing and verbalizing internal discourse, building identity in relation to others and the environment.
  • Initiative and Action Orientation: Making responsible and informed decisions based on communicative exchanges, interacting with and influencing the environment.
  • Relating to Others: Investigating and discovering diverse communication strategies for building connections through linguistic exchange.
  • Local, Global, and Digital Citizenship: Using language(s) for democratic participation and exercising rights in individual and collective decision-making contexts.

Structuring Content and Specific Competencies

The curriculum's structuring content focuses on language activities related to the MCN competencies. These activities align with specific cognitive processes of language, including speaking, listening, reading, writing, and metalinguistic reflection. Specific competencies for Tramo 6 and their contribution to the MCN are detailed in the curriculum document. These competencies address various aspects of communication, critical thinking, social interaction, and digital citizenship.

Specific Content for Tramo 6

The curriculum focuses on several key areas:

  • Linguistic Resources in Media: Examining grammatical structures, intentions, linguistic attitudes, ethical considerations in virtual channels, and modes of expression (courtesy, irony, humor, invective).
  • Language and Social Interaction: Exploring language contact (Spanish, English, Portuguese), variations of Spanish (Peninsular, American), and Native American languages, focusing on lexical conservations, incorporations, and innovations.
  • Spanish Writing and Normative Component: Addressing proper usage in different textual formulations, punctuation, language structures in informative, technical, and creative writing, and standard Spanish as a unifying principle.
  • Literary Writing: Exploring stylistic figures and formal resources for creating meaning, regional cultures and linguistic variety in literature, and exemplary texts of the Spanish language across time, considering historical and cultural parameters.

Methodological Orientations

The curriculum emphasizes student-centered learning, problematization, project-based learning, and collaborative learning derived from authentic situations. It also suggests incorporating socio-emotional aspects, self-assessment, peer evaluation, rubrics, and metacognition. The curriculum encourages teachers to adapt methodologies based on student needs and context.


Evaluation is considered an integral part of the teaching and learning process, focusing on continuous and formative assessment. It encourages the use of diverse techniques, devices, and tools for gathering information about student learning and individual characteristics. This approach aims to inform teachers' decision-making and support student progress.

Autonomy and Flexibility

The curriculum promotes curricular autonomy, allowing teachers to contextualize their practices and educational formats to achieve knowledge transfer and competency development. This autonomy is based on student-centered learning, inclusion, relevance, flexibility, knowledge integration, participation, and equity. It encourages teachers to incorporate technology, participate in interdisciplinary projects, adapt formats to student needs, and collaborate with families and the community.

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