Uruguay 9th Grade (Tramo 6) Curriculum - Physics

The Physics curriculum for 9th Grade (Tramo 6) in Uruguay focuses on developing scientific thinking through observation and experimentation, enabling students to question and explain phenomena in their immediate surroundings. The curriculum emphasizes the construction of knowledge by providing answers based on models and acknowledging their limitations. It is designed to foster meaningful learning by focusing on student-centered methodologies and strategies.

The curriculum is structured around the following core thematic areas:

  • Models in Physics: This area introduces students to the concept of laws of nature and the importance of models in physics, including their limitations. It also emphasizes the role of experimentation in scientific inquiry.
  • Principle of Conservation of Energy: This area covers the principle of conservation of energy, focusing on mechanical energy. Students learn about conservative and non-conservative forces, the principle of conservation of mechanical energy, and electric potential energy. Applications of these concepts are explored through the analysis of energy transformations in electrical circuits.
  • Laws of Classical Mechanics: This area delves into the concept of motion, exploring historical conceptions and inertial reference frames. Students learn about Newton's Laws of Motion (First, Second, and Third) and the Law of Universal Gravitation. The curriculum also covers the interpretation of derived motions and magnitudes.

Cross-Cutting Themes: The curriculum integrates the process of measurement as a cross-cutting theme. This includes measurements, measuring instruments, uncertainties in measurements, significant figures, and the operational definition of physical quantities involved in the laws, definitions, and concepts studied.

Contextualization Opportunities: The curriculum suggests several opportunities to contextualize the learning, including physics in sports, space travel, artificial satellites, wind turbines, game development, energy efficiency, and other problem situations relevant to students' interests and surroundings.

Learning Competencies: The curriculum aims to develop the following specific competencies:

  • Interpreting Information: Interpreting information from various sources, including graphs, tables, diagrams, icons, and verbal and non-verbal codes, to understand the fundamental concepts of classical mechanics and mechanical energy.
  • Analyzing Problems and Phenomena: Analyzing problem situations and natural phenomena in the environment using tools and strategies to relate the implicit physical variables.
  • Designing and Applying Strategies: Identifying, designing, and applying different strategies and reasoning methods, individually or collaboratively, to find solutions to problems related to energy and classical mechanics.
  • Problem-Solving with Physical Models: Solving problems by designing and applying different reasoning strategies and physical models to obtain coherent answers.
  • Planning and Seeking Solutions: Planning and seeking solutions by comparing different programs or devices to solve problems related to physical models that admit computational solutions.
  • Developing Arguments: Making claims through reasoning and argumentation to integrate new concepts, laws, or physical principles reflexively, individually, and collaboratively.

Methodological Orientations: The curriculum emphasizes student-centered methodologies that promote active learning, meaningful understanding, and the ability to apply knowledge to different life situations. It encourages the use of active learning methodologies like STEM, problem-based learning, and inquiry-based learning.

Evaluation: The curriculum promotes formative assessment that guides teachers in selecting methodological strategies and provides students with guidance in developing their competencies and skills. It encourages the use of rubrics, multiple-choice tests, production of expository, explanatory, and argumentative texts, audiovisual materials, portfolios, and assessment of participation in workshops.

Suggested Bibliography for Teachers:

Serway, R. and Jewett, J. (2018). Fisica para Ciencias e ingenieria*. Vol. 1 (10th ed.). Cengage Learning. Feynman, Richard. (2000). El placer de descubrir*. Critica. Krauss, Lawrence. (1996). Miedo a la fisica una guia para perplejos*. Andres Bello. Gaisman, M. (coord.). (2008). Fisica. Movimiento, interacciones y transformacion de la energia*. Santillana Perspectivas Pedrinaci, E (coord.). (2012). 11 ideas clave. El desarrollo de la competencia cientifica*. Grao. Furman, M. (2021). Ensenar Distinto. Guias para innovar sin perderse en el camino*. SigloXXI. Gil, S. (2015). Experimentos de Fisica usando las TIC y elementos de bajo costo*. Alfa Omega.

Suggested Bibliography for Students:

Berruchio, G. and Zandanet, A. (2021). Fisica V. Por que el mundo funciona como lo hace: Desde Tales a la teoria electromagnetica de la luz*. Maipue. Egana, E., Berruti, M. and Gonzalez, A. (2012). Interacciones, fuerzas y energia*. Contexto. Elgueta, A and Guerrero, G. (2013). Fisica 2.o*. Santillana. Hewitt, P. (2007). Fisica conceptual*. (10th ed.). Pearson. Kakalios, J. (2006). La fisica de los superheroes*. Robinbook. Romero, M. (2014). Fisica 3.er ano*. CBT. Jorge Ignacio. Uruguay.

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