Venezuela Segundo Grado - Physical Education

This course focuses on developing fundamental movement skills, coordination, and an understanding of the body and its relationship to the environment. The curriculum is organized into three terms (lapsos).

1er Lapso (First Term)

  • Body Awareness (Esquema Corporal): Students learn about body parts, joints, and segments. Activities focus on developing body awareness through movement and games.
  • Bilateral Coordination (Bilateralidad): Exercises and games emphasize using both sides of the body together and independently.
  • Kinesthetic and Coordination Skills (Juegos y habilidades kinestésicas y coordinativas): Activities develop coordination, balance, and control through games and movement challenges.
  • Body Postures (Posturas corporales): Students explore different body positions and learn about balance and posture.
  • Group Formations (Formaciones grupales): Activities involve working with others in different formations and patterns.
  • Spatial Relationships (Relaciones espaciales y direccionales): Students learn about spatial awareness and directional concepts through movement and games.
  • Combined Segmental and Total Exercises (Combinaciones de ejercicios segmentales y totales): Activities involve movements that use different body parts in coordination.
  • Striking, Receiving, and Bouncing Objects (Ejecución de golpes, recepciones y rebotes de objetos): Skills in manipulating objects are developed through games and activities.
  • Cooperative Games (Juegos cooperativos): Emphasis is placed on teamwork and collaboration through cooperative games.

2do Lapso (Second Term)

  • Traditional Games (Juegos tradicionales motrices, de habilidades kinestésicas): Students learn and play traditional Venezuelan games that develop motor skills and coordination.
  • Games with Hand-Eye and Foot-Eye Coordination (Juegos con habilidades coordinativas oculomanuales y oculopodales): Activities focus on developing hand-eye and foot-eye coordination through games and exercises.
  • Cooperative Games (Juegos cooperativos): Cooperative games continue to be emphasized to promote teamwork and social skills.
  • Importance of Play (Importancia del juego): The role of play in development and learning is explored.
  • Friendly Attitudes (Actitudes amistosas hacia los compañeros): Students are encouraged to develop positive social interactions and sportsmanship.
  • Traditional Dances (Diferentes rondas y bailes tradicionales, populares y contemporáneos): Students learn traditional Venezuelan dances and rounds, exploring their cultural significance.

3er Lapso (Third Term)

  • Outings and Excursions (Paseos y excursiones): Outdoor activities and field trips connect physical activity with exploring the environment.
  • Local Parks and Natural Environments (Información de parques, plazas y ambientes naturales de la localidad): Students learn about local parks, plazas, and natural environments.
  • Environmental Conservation (Planificación de actividades de limpieza y reforestación): Activities focus on environmental awareness and conservation, including cleaning and reforestation projects.
  • Spatial Orientation (Orientación espacial): Students learn about cardinal directions and how to orient themselves in space.
  • Natural and Social Components of the Environment (Componentes naturales y sociales del ambiente): The relationship between humans and the environment is explored.

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