Venezuela 3er Grado (Primary Education) - Mathematics

This information is derived from the official Venezuelan "Currículo Nacional Bolivariano" (

Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Society

The aim is for students to understand and value mathematical and natural processes through real-life situations and problems, analyzing them based on learning experiences and new knowledge.

Component: Developing mathematical thinking through numbers, shapes, and measurements.


  • Number Sense: Establishing and applying the concept of numbers and their everyday uses. Writing and reading numbers up to 1,000,000.
  • Number System: Identifying, interpreting, and graphing numbers up to six digits. Ordinal numbers up to one million. Interpreting and formulating sequences with natural numbers less than one million using the same criteria.
  • Number Order: Identifying and constructing the number line. Establishing relationships using the symbols >, <, and = based on numerical order on the number line. Ordering natural numbers less than or equal to 1,000,000. Identifying and creating sequences up to one million. Identifying negative numbers on the number line.
  • Reading and Writing Numbers: Determining digits and quantities less than 1,000,000. Reading and writing natural numbers (whole numbers and decimals).
  • Roman Numeral System: Counting Roman numerals up to M.
  • Relationships: Establishing relationships of union, intersection, and equality in natural, whole, and fractional numbers.
  • Place Value: Identifying the nearest hundred or ten to a natural number less than a thousand. Positional interpretation of numbers less than one million.
  • Fractions: Understanding the meaning of dividing and sharing. Inferring the division of natural numbers. Interpreting and graphically representing common and equivalent fractions. Ordering homogeneous fractions. Solving addition problems with homogeneous fractions.
  • Geometry and Measurement: Creating graphs of plane figures in relation to a symmetrical axis. The plane: interpreting and graphing positions and displacements of objects on a plane (grids, models, sketches). Locating lines and points on the plane. Identifying and designing parallel and perpendicular lines on the plane. Interpreting and designing graphs for the translation of plane geometric figures. Identifying essential elements of a geometric body (prism, cube, cylinder). Using body parts as a measurement system (inch, foot). Determining measurements using centimeters, millimeters, and meters, and applying the measurement system in everyday life. Mass: Comparing masses and lengths. Capacity: The liter. Solving problems involving the calculation of length, mass, and capacity measurements. Solving problems that lead to the calculation of areas of a rectangle and a square in units of measurement. Time: Solving problems about the duration of situations and events with time references. The school calendar and its importance. Monetary System: Graphical representation of the change in the national currency based on a given problem. Solving problems of interpretation and recoding of coin and bill values in the Venezuelan monetary system.
  • Notion of Statistics: Representing and interpreting double-entry tables, bar graphs, and pie charts according to data collected in research on school, local, regional, and global realities.

Component: Exploration and application of mathematical and natural science processes, valuing their importance for life in society.


  • Numbers and Operations:
      • Adding: Performing and proposing addition operations up to one thousand. Applying the properties of addition (commutative, associative, neutral element). Identifying and interpreting the elements of a problem to find a solution. Proposing and solving everyday problems involving addition.
      • Subtracting: Applying different processes to perform subtraction operations up to one million. Applying the properties of subtraction. Solving addition and subtraction problems with natural numbers less than 10,000. Identifying and relating addition and subtraction operations in different everyday situations. Solving problems that include estimation and calculation of combined addition and subtraction operations with natural numbers less than one million.
      • Multiplying: Determining the properties of multiplication. Applying the properties of multiplication in calculating multiplications of two-digit natural numbers. Solving multiplication problems of two natural numbers by a one-digit number. Solving multiplication problems of a two-digit natural number by another one-digit number. Solving multiplication problems of a two-digit natural number by units followed by zero up to 1,000.
  • Notion of Environment: Observing and interpreting the environment in the community, region, and country. Researching the biosphere. Establishing inferences to determine that the biosphere is made up of living beings (humans, animals, and plants) and other microscopic organisms. Knowing, appreciating, and conserving other layers of the Earth. Environment and life: Investigating the reproduction processes of living beings. Plant reproduction (sexual and asexual) and its application in agricultural culture. Studying natural phenomena (rain, cold, heat). Interpreting the water cycle and the atmospheric cycle. Pointing out evidence of air, water, and soil pollution, and promoting prevention alternatives. Studying tragedies caused by environmental pollution.
  • Human Body: Studying the human body as a system. Investigating the brain and its relationship to the functioning of the human body. Establishing relationships between the sensory organs of humans and animals. Inferring the importance of bone structure and the function of the human locomotor system.
  • Health and Hygiene: Establishing relationships between good nutrition, food, and health. Relating the trophic levels that make up the food chain (producers and consumers). Describing the processes of digestion, respiration, and nutrient absorption. Investigating the causes of the most common diseases in the community and their forms of spread. Conducting statistical studies on the most frequent diseases in Venezuela.
  • Experimentation: Recognizing the properties of matter (density and temperature). Experimenting with changes in atmospheric pressure and their consequences. Investigating natural energy sources (oil, gas, and coal). Experimenting with the causes of body movements and their consequences (force and gravity in nature). Studying natural phenomena. Exploring the elements that make up technological objects to determine their function. Creating and building replicas of simple toys. Building objects for simple experiments.

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