Venezuela Primary School Curriculum - Physical Education (4th Grade)
Physical Education, Sports, and Recreation
The Physical Education curriculum aims to develop motor skills and promote physical, mental, and social well-being through structured physical activity, sports, and recreation. It emphasizes a conscious and organized pedagogical approach within the multicultural context of Venezuela, encouraging traditional and indigenous activities alongside basic sports. The curriculum fosters cooperation, participation, and respect for cultural diversity. It also aims to improve concentration, academic performance, and overall quality of life through physical activity.
Component: Physical education, sports, and recreation as means for perceptual, physical, and socio-motor development.
- Developing physical activities involving stretching, targeting specific body segments.
- Executing stretching activities with increasing levels of difficulty.
- Practicing alternating jogging and walking, continuous jogging, and interval running.
- Enhancing physical qualities: strength, flexibility, speed, aerobic and anaerobic endurance.
- Body expression in diverse situations.
- Participating in physical activities involving motor skills.
- Executing group and individual activities focused on physical capacity.
- Planning and leading activities for joint mobility and muscle elongation.
- Understanding and applying levels of complexity in cognitive, traditional, and pre-sport games in various spaces and environments.
- Practicing pre-sport activities to incorporate other sports.
- Planning and developing sports games: volleyball, basketball, baseball.
- Theoretical and practical activities related to sports rules and regulations.
- Visiting neighboring communities.
- Body expression activities to identify potential talents.
Component: Physical education, sports, and recreation as means for enjoyment and personality development.
- Planning and implementing daily nutritional programs.
- Practicing healthy eating habits and hygiene for proper physical activity and health.
- Executing activities for the prevention of accidents and socio-natural disasters.
- Developing and participating in programs promoted by other public or private institutions or organizations.
- Developing cultural expressions within the school and community environment.
- Applying chess strategies, including defense, attack, check, and checkmate.
- Conducting awareness activities on self-protection and natural phenomena that cause disasters.
- Planning, executing, and evaluating drills to monitor, control, and assess training, mitigation, and response programs for adverse events.
- Carrying out environmental conservation activities in school and community spaces.
- Planning and conducting visits to neighboring communities.
- Appreciating Venezuelan folklore as a physical expression of national identity.
- Developing school-community integration activities.
- Executing sign language activities.
- Understanding the importance of body language as a language and effective communication tool.