Venezuela Grade 8 Spanish Language AI
Venezuela 8vo Grado (Segundo Año) Educación Media General - Castellano This course focuses on developing language and literature skills, covering various aspects of communication, grammar, and literary analysis. It is aligned with the Currículo Nacional Bolivariano for Educación Media General. Unidad 1: Conozcamos a nuestros narradores This unit introduces narrative texts and their authors. Students learn about vocabulary, grammar, orthography, and oral and written expression used in narratives. The goal is for students to interact with the textbook's knowledge to complement what they learn in class and prepare for evaluations. Unidad 2: Interpretamos textos expositivos This unit focuses on expository texts. Students learn techniques like underlining and concept mapping to understand and analyze these texts. Vocabulary, grammar, and orthography related to expository writing are also covered. Unidad 3: Participamos en grupos de discusión This unit explores literary texts. Students learn about synonyms, antonyms, loanwords, pronominal substitutes, and agreement. Orthography, including the use of periods, commas, the letter Z, and hyphens, is also addressed. Students practice participating in group discussions. Unidad 4: Disfrutamos de los textos científicos This unit delves into scientific texts. Vocabulary building focuses on Greek roots and Latin phrases. Grammar topics include determinative adjectives. Orthography covers compound words formed by joining gentilicios and the use of semicolons. Unidad 5: Nos recreamos en la poesía This unit explores poetic texts and literary devices. Students learn about different types of poetic compositions, including coplas. Vocabulary development focuses on figurative language and homophones. Grammar covers possessive pronouns. Orthography addresses the XC group, colons before textual quotations, and the use of quotation marks. Students practice creating poetic texts, including acrostics and riddles. Unidad 6: Aprendemos a seguir instrucciones y normas This unit focuses on prescriptive texts. Vocabulary development includes paronyms. Grammar covers prepositions. Orthography addresses the SC group and colons after announcing an enumeration. Students practice writing school behavior rules. Oral expression and listening skills are developed through oral summaries. Unidad 7: Dramatizamos y representamos personajes This unit explores dramatic texts. Vocabulary development includes indigenous Nicaraguan toponyms. Grammar covers word families (primitive and derived words). Orthography addresses hyphens and ellipses. Students practice writing literary dialogues and develop oral expression and listening skills through dramatization. Unidad 8: Conocemos los medios de comunicación This unit focuses on informative texts, including news and interviews. Vocabulary development covers denotative and connotative language. Grammar explores Greek and Latin prefixes and suffixes. Orthography addresses quotation marks for textual quotations. Students practice writing reports and develop oral expression and listening skills through interviews and questionnaires. |