Venezuela 5to Año de Bachillerato: Castellano

This outlines the Castellano y Literatura curriculum for 5to Año de Bachillerato in Venezuela, based on available information. The curriculum focuses on exploring various literary movements, authors, and their works, spanning from pre-Hispanic literature to contemporary narrative.

1er Lapso:

  • Introduction to Literary Constants: This section introduces fundamental concepts in literary analysis.
  • Pre-Hispanic Literature: An exploration of pre-Columbian literary traditions, including:
      • General overview of Pre-Hispanic Literature
      • Characteristics and genres of Pre-Hispanic Literature
      • Focus on Mexican pre-Columbian literature, including Náhuatl literature, its genres, and examples.
      • Focus on Quechua literature, its characteristics, and examples.
  • Literature of the Conquest and Colonial Period: This section examines the literary works produced during the Spanish conquest and colonial era.
      • Characteristics of the literature
      • Study of Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, including his biography and works.
  • Neoclassicism: A study of the Neoclassical movement, including:
      • Definition and characteristics of Neoclassicism.
      • Historical and literary context of Neoclassicism.
      • Focus on Andrés Bello, including his biography and analysis of works such as "La agricultura de la zona tórrida," "Alocución a la poesía," and "La oración por todos."
  • Romanticismo Histórico-Social: An overview of the historical and social aspects of Romanticism, including:
      • General overview of Romanticism
      • American Romanticism
      • Focus on social romanticism in Venezuela and the works of Juan Vicente González, including his biography and analysis of his works.

2do Lapso:

  • Romantic Novel: A study of Romantic novels, including:
      • Characteristics of the Romantic novel.
      • Focus on Jorge Isaacs, including his biography and analysis of "María."
  • Romantic Poetry: An exploration of Romantic poetry, including:
      • Characteristics of Romantic poetry.
      • Focus on Juan Antonio Pérez Bonalde, including his biography, analysis of his works, and specific poems like "Poemas del Niágara" and "Vuelta a la patria."
  • Romantic Literature: Further exploration of Romantic literature, including:
      • Study of Eduardo Blanco, including his biography and analysis of works like "Venezuela Heroica" and "Zárate."
      • Study of José Hernández, including his biography and analysis of "Martín Fierro."
      • Exploration of "Cuadros de costumbres" (Costumbrist literature).

3er Lapso:

  • Modernism and Criollismo: An examination of Modernism and Criollismo, including:
      • Overview of Modernism.
      • Focus on Rubén Darío, including analysis of works like "A Margarita Debayle," "Los motivos del lobo," and "Sonatina."
      • Overview of Criollismo.
      • Focus on Luis Manuel Urbaneja Achelpohl, including his biography and analysis of "Ovejón."
      • Focus on Manuel Díaz Rodríguez, including his biography and analysis of works like "Ídolos rotos."
      • Focus on Pedro Emilio Coll, including his biography and analysis of "El diente roto."
  • Vanguardismo (Lyric Poetry): A study of the Vanguardismo movement in poetry, including:
      • Overview of Vanguardismo.
      • Focus on Vicente Gerbasi, including his biography and analysis of "Mi padre el inmigrante."
  • Vanguardismo (Narrative): A study of the Vanguardismo movement in narrative, including:
      • Overview of Vanguardismo in narrative.
      • Focus on Ernesto Sábato, including his biography and analysis of works like "Sobre héroes y tumbas" and "El túnel."
      • Focus on Julio Garmendia, including his biography and analysis of works like "El difunto y yo" and "La tienda de muñecos."
      • Focus on Mario Vargas Llosa, including his biography and analysis of "La casa verde."
  • Venezuelan Narrative: An exploration of Venezuelan narrative, including:
      • Focus on José Rafael Pocaterra, including his biography and analysis of works like "La i latina" and "La casa de la bruja."
      • Focus on Arturo Uslar Pietri, including his biography and analysis of "Lanzas coloradas."
      • Focus on Teresa de la Parra, including her biography and analysis of "Memorias de mamá Blanca."

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