Vietnam Grade 10 Fine Arts

Fine Arts is an elective subject in the Vietnam Grade 10 curriculum. Students can choose from a set of 11 textbooks published by the Vietnam Education Publishing House under the series "Knowledge and Life." While the new general education program encourages multiple textbooks for a single subject, Fine Arts has a unique approach with 11 books covering different specializations within the subject.

Students select four out of the ten available content areas, resulting in the need to purchase at least four corresponding textbooks. The available specializations include:

  • Theory and History of Art
  • Painting
  • Graphics (Prints)
  • Sculpture
  • Industrial Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Fashion Design
  • Theater and Cinema Art Design
  • Multimedia Art Design
  • Architecture

This structure allows students to focus on specific areas of interest within Fine Arts, promoting thriftiness by avoiding the purchase of unnecessary materials.

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