Zambia Grade 10 Civic Education Syllabus
1. Constitution
- Types of constitutions (written, unwritten, flexible, rigid)
- Parts of the Zambian Constitution (citizenship, executive, judicature, House of Chiefs)
- Constitution making process (review commissions, national debate, constituent assembly, parliament, referendum, constitutional conference)
- Characteristics of a good constitution (clear, stands the test of time, protects citizens' rights)
- Importance of a constitution (enhances democratic governance, promotes rule of law)
2. Governance
- Definition of governance (ruling with or without consent)
- Characteristics of good governance (respect for human rights, political tolerance, regular free and fair elections)
- Characteristics of bad governance (lack of separation of powers, human rights violations, arbitrary arrests, corrupt leadership)
- Electoral systems (Single Member Plurality System (SMPS), First Past The Post (FPTP), Single Member Majoritarian System (SMMS), Proportional Representation System (PRS), Mixed Member Proportionality System (MMPS))
- Zambia's electoral system (SMPS)
- Electoral process (legislation, delimitation, voter registration, voter roll verification)
- Electoral Code of Conduct (2006)
- Types of elections (primary, general, by-elections)
- Local governance system before and after 1964
- Decentralization Acts of 1980 and 1991
- Functions of local councils
- Role of traditional leaders in governance (resolving civil disputes, allocating land, participating in development projects)
3. Citizenship
- Definition of citizenship (membership in a community with rights and privileges)
- Legal and moral aspects of citizenship
- Qualifications for Zambian citizenship (1996 Amended Constitution, Articles 4, 5, and 6)
- Qualities of a good citizen (patriotism, respect for law, self-control, honesty)
- Obstacles to good citizenship (poverty, corruption, theft, selfishness)
- Rights and freedoms of citizens (natural, moral, and legal)
- Duties and responsibilities of citizens (personal and civic)
- Groups and citizens with special needs (refugees, elderly, disabled, children, youth)
4. Introduction to Human Rights
- Definition of human rights (claims and freedoms of every human being)
- Charter of Mande (1222)
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR 1948)
- Characteristics of human rights (inherent, inalienable, universal, indivisible, inter-related)
- Categories of human rights (civil and political, economic, social and cultural, collective)
- Human rights violations (child abuse, human trafficking, corruption, corporal punishment, gender-based violence, forced marriages, arbitrary arrest)
- Significance of human rights (human dignity, peace, freedom, respect for life, responsibility)
5. Corruption
- Definition of corruption (bribery and abuse of authority)
- Types of corruption (petty, grand, political/electoral)
- Causes of corruption (social, economic, political)
- Effects of corruption (bitterness, crime, economic stagnation, distorted standards, discouraged investment)
- Institutions fighting corruption in Zambia (Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Auditor-General's Office, Drug Enforcement Commission, Zambia Police Service, media, civil society organizations)
- Role of public officers, community, and youth in fighting corruption (adherence to guidelines, reporting corruption, public interest disclosure/whistleblower protection)
6. Cultural Studies
- Definition of culture (people's way of life, values, beliefs, traditions)
- Components of culture (language, religion, technology, material)
- Characteristics of culture (dynamic, learned, shared, cumulative)
- Importance of culture (cultural heritage, identity, economic development, shaping behavior)
- Types of culture (folk, popular, ideal, real)
- Zambia's societal core values (respect for elders, cooperation, hard work, obedience to authority)
- Zambia's cultural practices (rites of passage, traditional ceremonies, attire)
- Factors affecting cultural diversity (stereotyping, prejudice, ethnocentrism, cultural relativism)
- Global culture (sharing cultures across countries)
- Agents of global culture (technology, mixing of cultures, tourism, trade)
- Institutions preserving cultural heritage (museums, National Heritage Conservation Commission, National Arts Council, Ministry of Tourism and Art)
7. Substance Abuse
- Definition of substance abuse (taking something the body doesn't need for the wrong reasons)
- Types of substances abused (over-the-counter, controlled substances, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, narcotics/opiates, inhalants)
- Effects of different substances (alcohol, tobacco, inhalants, cannabis, heroin, cocaine)
- Reasons for substance abuse (peer pressure, curiosity, stress, ignorance)
- Signs and symptoms of substance abuse
- How to avoid substance abuse
- Effects of substance abuse (diseases, crime, insanity, loss of productivity)
- Institutions fighting substance abuse (Drug Enforcement Commission, Police Service, Pharmaceutical Regulatory Authority)