Zambia Grade 12 History Syllabus

This syllabus outlines the curriculum for History at the Grade 12 level in Zambia. It is structured around three main parts, each covering a different geographical and historical scope. The syllabus emphasizes an outcome-based approach, focusing on measurable knowledge, skills, and values. Continuous assessment is integral to the learning process. The Grade 12 final examination consists of two papers: African History and World History.

Part I: History of Southern Africa (Grade 10)

This section explores the history of Southern Africa, from its geographical setting and indigenous communities to the arrival of European settlers and the eventual attainment of majority rule. Key topics include:

  • Geographical Setting: Examines the physical and climatic features of Southern Africa and their influence on population distribution.
  • Indigenous Communities: Covers the socio-economic and political organization of the San and Khoi-Khoi, Bantu migrations, and the establishment of kingdoms and nation-states. The Mfecane and its impact are also studied.
  • European Settler Communities: Traces the arrival of the Dutch and British, the conflicts between them, the Great Trek, the Anglo-Boer Wars, and the Union of South Africa.
  • Race Relations in Southern Africa: Analyzes the interactions between European settlers and indigenous communities, African resistance to white domination, and the rise of African nationalism.
  • Majority Rule: Examines the liberation movements, the end of apartheid, and post-independence developments in South Africa.

Part II: World History from 1870 to the Present (Grade 11)

This part covers major global events from 1870 to the present, focusing on social, economic, and political developments. Key topics include:

  • Geographical Setting: Locates major European empires on a map as of 1870.
  • Nation Building (1850-1900): Examines the unification of Germany, the Ottoman Empire, British Splendid Isolation, Tsarist Russia, France, China, Japan, and the United States.
  • Rivalry Among Major World Kingdoms and Nations: Explores European alliance systems, the scramble and partition of Africa, and the First World War.
  • The World During the Inter-War Era: Covers the Treaty of Versailles, the rise of Hitler and Mussolini, the Russian Revolution, the Spanish Civil War, and global developments leading up to the Second World War.
  • Attempts at World Peace and the Balance of Power (1919-Present): Examines the League of Nations, the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, and other international organizations. Also covers contemporary issues such as the Middle East crises, the conflict in the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Rwandan genocide, and international terrorism.

Part III: History of Central Africa (Grade 12)

This section focuses on the history of Central Africa, with a particular emphasis on Zambia. Key topics include:

  • Geographical Setting: Describes the physical features of Central Africa and their influence on population distribution.
  • Indigenous African Population: Covers Bantu migrations, centralized and decentralized societies, and their social, political, and economic organization.
  • Exploration of Central Africa: Examines the role of European explorers and missionaries in opening up Central Africa.
  • European Acquisition of Territories in Central Africa: Discusses the scramble for Africa, the colonization process, and the relationship between indigenous Africans and white settlers.
  • European Settlers in Central Africa: Explores colonial administration, African resistance to European domination, and the rise of African nationalism. Includes the role of welfare associations, educated Africans, and the labor movement.
  • Majority Rule: Examines the steps leading to independence in Central African territories, the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, and post-independence developments.

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