Zimbabwe Form 4 Curriculum - Statistics (Elective)
This curriculum covers Forms 3-4 of secondary education in statistics, providing a foundation for application in other learning areas, further studies, and career development. It emphasizes critical thinking, problem solving, analytical, and organizational skills.
The aims of this syllabus are to enable learners to:
- Develop an appreciation of the role of statistics in national development.
- Effectively use ICT tools to solve statistical problems.
- Apply statistical knowledge and skills in other disciplines.
- Develop a statistical foundation for further studies.
- Use statistical data with integrity.
- Value heritage, history, and culture through research and statistical inferences.
- Acquire entrepreneurship and leadership skills in an indigenized economy through research and project-based learning.
- Develop critical and logical thinking.
Syllabus Objectives
By the end of the course learners should be able to:
- Define statistics and statistical terms.
- Collect and present data in written, graphical, diagrammatical, and tabular form.
- Draw inferences through manipulation of statistical data.
- Relate statistical concepts to real life situations.
- Carry out statistical calculations.
- Construct statistical arguments through appropriate use of precise statements and logical deduction.
- Use ICT tools in statistical analysis.
- Carry out statistical research projects.
Topics Covered
The syllabus covers the following topics:
- Introduction to Statistics
- Data Collection and Presentation
- Measures of Central Tendency
- Measures of Dispersion
- Sampling
- Probability
- Random Variables
- Errors
- Index Numbers
- Time Series
- Linear Regression
Assessment is based on 30% continuous assessment and 70% summative assessment. Continuous assessment includes topic tasks, written tests, end-of-term examinations, and a project. Summative assessment consists of two papers, each 2.5 hours long. Paper 1 consists of structured questions covering all syllabus topics. Paper 2 has two sections: Section A with compulsory questions and Section B where candidates choose three out of five long questions. |