Zimbabwe Form Four Biology AI
Zimbabwe O-Level Biology: Forms 1-4This syllabus covers the study of living organisms, their interrelationships, interactions with the environment, and the processes that sustain life. It aims to equip learners with theoretical and practical skills, fostering cognitive, emotional, physical, and social development. The curriculum balances knowledge, understanding, and practical application, preparing students for further studies and careers in fields like medicine, food technology, biotechnology, and environmental science. AimsThe syllabus aims to help learners:
Syllabus ObjectivesLearners should be able to:
Topics CoveredThe syllabus encompasses the following topics: 1. Safety, Careers, and Branches in Biology: Laboratory safety, branches of biology, career options. 2. Chemicals of Life: Water, carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids – their constituents, identification, classification, chemical structure, and uses. 3. Cells and Cellular Activities: Plant and animal cell structure, cell specialization, cellular transport. 4. Enzymes: Nature, properties, mode of action, and industrial applications of enzymes. 5. Plant Science: Nutrition, productivity, transport, reproduction, coordination, and response in plants. 6. Animal Science: Nutrition, gaseous exchange, respiration, transport, immunity, reproduction, homeostasis, coordination and response, the endocrine system, and the skeletal system in animals, with a focus on humans. 7. Microbiology and Biotechnology: Characteristics, types, economic importance of microorganisms, and recombinant gene technology. 8. Genetics: Chromosomes, genes, monohybrid inheritance, mutations, variation, and selection. 9. Biodiversity: Classification of living organisms into five kingdoms and their characteristic features, threats to biodiversity, and conservation measures. 10. Ecosystems: Natural and artificial ecosystems, food chains and webs, nutrient cycles, management of ecosystems, and carrying capacity. 11. Health and Disease: Concepts of health and disease, infectious and non-infectious diseases, their causes, transmission, prevention, and treatment, and drug use and abuse. AssessmentAssessment is divided into continuous assessment (40%) and summative assessment (60%). Continuous assessment includes practical tests (20%), theory tests (10%), and end-of-term examinations (10%). Summative assessment consists of three papers: Paper 1 (Multiple Choice - 30%), Paper 2 (Theory - 40%), and Paper 3 (Practical - 30%). |