Zimbabwe Form 1 Mathematics Syllabus

This syllabus outlines the curriculum for Form 1 Mathematics in Zimbabwe, covering the period 2015-2022. It emphasizes developing problem-solving skills and applying mathematical concepts to everyday life. The syllabus aims to foster critical thinking, effective communication, and teamwork, incorporating values of Unhu/Ubuntu/Vumunhu. It also highlights the importance of ICT tools in problem-solving and research.


The syllabus aims to enable learners to:

  • Develop understanding of mathematical concepts and processes.
  • Acquire mathematical skills and knowledge.
  • Develop clear thinking, careful work habits, and effective communication of mathematical ideas.
  • Apply mathematics in other learning areas and real-life situations.
  • Appreciate the role of mathematics in personal, community, and national development.
  • Demonstrate engagement, perseverance, collaboration, and intellectual honesty in mathematical tasks.
  • Utilize ICT tools for problem-solving.

Syllabus Objectives

Learners should be able to:

  • Use mathematical symbols, terms, and definitions in problem-solving.
  • Construct and apply mathematical models to real-world problems.
  • Draw inferences from mathematical data manipulation.
  • Communicate mathematical ideas effectively in diverse contexts.
  • Solve problems involving algebraic and geometric concepts.
  • Apply mathematical concepts across various learning areas.
  • Use ICT tools for problem-solving.
  • Conduct research projects, including enterprise-related projects.

Methodology and Time Allocation

The syllabus recommends learner-centered teaching approaches that promote interest and confidence in problem-solving. Suggested methods include guided discovery, discussion, interactive e-learning, exposition, demonstration, problem-solving, individualization, simulation, visual tactile aids, educational tours, and expert guest presentations. Six 40-minute periods per week are allocated to the subject.


The syllabus covers the following topics:

1. Real Numbers 2. Sets 3. Financial Mathematics 4. Measures and Mensuration 5. Graphs 6. Variation 7. Algebra 8. Geometry 9. Statistics 10. Trigonometry 11. Vectors 12. Matrices 13. Transformation 14. Probability


Assessment comprises 30% continuous assessment and 70% summative assessment.

Continuous Assessment:

  • Topic tasks (one per term, 4.5% weighting)
  • Written tests (two per term)
  • End-of-term examinations (one per term)
  • Project (one covering Forms 1-2, another covering Forms 3-4, 12% weighting)

Summative Assessment:

  • Paper 1: 2.5 hours, 30 short structured questions (100 marks), 35% weighting.
  • Paper 2: 2.5 hours, Section A (5 compulsory questions, 52 marks), Section B (7 long questions, answer 4, 12 marks each, 48 marks total), 35% weighting.

The specification grid emphasizes knowledge and comprehension (50% Paper 1, 35% Paper 2), application and analysis (40% Paper 1, 45% Paper 2), and problem-solving (10% Paper 1, 20% Paper 2).

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