Zimbabwe Grade 1 Science Syllabus
The Zimbabwe Grade 1 Science syllabus is integrated with Mathematics and falls under the broader Infant Education curriculum, which covers Early Childhood Development (ECD) A, ECD B, Grade 1, and Grade 2. The syllabus emphasizes a learner-centered, hands-on approach to learning through play and discovery. Assessment is conducted through continuous assessment throughout the year.
Science Learning Objectives - Grade 1
The science learning objectives for Grade 1 are woven into various topics within the combined Mathematics and Science syllabus. These topics include Manipulative and Block Play, Science, Mathematics and Discovery Play, and Relationships in Science and Mathematics. The learning objectives are categorized by skill areas: Learning Objectives, Speaking/Signing, and Content.
- Learning Objectives:
- Identify and name parts of the human body.
- Describe and demonstrate care of body parts.
- Identify objects that float in water.
- Describe and demonstrate the uses of water.
- Name and identify different kinds of plants.
- Observe and name colors of plant flowers.
- Identify animals found in the local environment.
- Name and identify habitats of animals.
- Identify loose and solid materials.
- State ways of protecting and curing diseases.
- Describe how weather changes influence human activities.
- Demonstrate that air takes up space.
- Name simple machines used in the local environment.
- Demonstrate how machines make work easier.
- Recognize that the sun gives out heat and light.
- Name objects used to put out fire.
- Describe ways of putting out fire.
- Speaking/Signing:
- Group objects according to whether they float or sink.
- Name different types of soil.
- State common diseases in the local environment.
- Describe weather changes.
- Name simple machines used for cutting, digging, and weeding.
- List objects that give out heat and light.
- Describe ways of putting out fire.
- Identify objects used to put out fire.
- Content:
- Human body parts and their care.
- Uses of water and sources of water.
- Different types of plants, their parts, and uses.
- Animals, their habitats, and features.
- Common diseases, prevention, and cure.
- Weather changes and their influence.
- Simple machines and their uses.
- Sources and effects of light and heat.
- Fire safety and prevention.