Zimbabwe Lower 6 Biology Curriculum
This curriculum covers theory and practical skills in the following broad branches of Biology: Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Microbiology, Genetics, Biotechnology, Anatomy, Physiology, Human Health and Disease, Ecology and Biodiversity.
Form 5 Topics:
- Cell Structure and Function: Microscopy; Plant and Animal Cells; Organelles and their functions; Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells; Movement of substances into and out of cells.
- Biological Molecules and Water: Carbohydrates; Lipids; Proteins; Water.
- Cell and Nuclear Division: The Cell cycle; Mitosis; Meiosis.
- Genetic Control: Nucleic Acids; Structure and replication of DNA; Protein synthesis.
- Inherited Change and Evolution: Nature of Gene; Monohybrid and Dihybrid Crosses.
- Energetics: ATP Structure and Synthesis; Photosynthesis; Respiration.
- Transport Systems: Structure and Mechanisms of transport systems in plants.
- Human Health and Disease: Drug and substance abuse; Global distribution of Diseases; Immunity.
Form 6 Topics:
- Gene Technology: Insulin Production; Genetic Screening and Fingerprinting; Gene Therapy; Benefits and Hazards of Gene Technology; Ethical implications of Gene Technology.
- Inherited Change and Evolution: Natural selection; Artificial selection.
- Transport Systems: Mammalian circulatory system.
- Nervous Control: Need for communication; Action potential; Cholinergic synapse.
- Sexual Reproduction: Sexual Reproduction in Plants; Sexual Reproduction in Humans.
- Ecology: Levels of ecological organization; Nitrogen cycle; Conservation; Anthropogenic impact on ecosystems.
- Biodiversity: Classification; Importance of Biodiversity.
Assessment is based on 30% continuous assessment and 70% summative assessment. Continuous assessment includes practical tests, written theory tests, and a project. Summative assessment consists of four papers: multiple choice, structured theory, free response essay, and a practical test. |