IGCSE Mathematics (CIE, EDEXCEL)

  • Type

    Ongoing class

  • Duration

    10 classes (90 mins / class)

  • Size

    8 students / class

Content overview:
  • Number
  • Algebra and graphs
  • Coordinate geometry
  • Geometry
  • Mensuration
  • Trigonometry
  • Vectors and transformations
  • Probability
  • Statistics
The aims are to enable students to:
  1. develop an understanding of mathematical principles, concepts and methods in a way which encourages confidence, provides satisfaction and enjoyment, and develops a positive attitude towards mathematics
  2. develop a feel for number and understand the significance of the results obtained
  3. apply mathematics in everyday situations and develop an understanding of the part that mathematics plays in learners’ own lives and the world around them
  4. analyse and solve problems, present the solutions clearly, and check and interpret the results
  5. recognise when and how a situation may be represented mathematically, identify and interpret relevant factors, select an appropriate mathematical method to solve the problem, and evaluate the method used
  6. use mathematics as a means of communication with emphasis on the use of clear expression and structured argument
  7. develop an ability to apply mathematics in other subjects, particularly science and technology
  8. develop the ability to reason logically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions
  9. appreciate patterns and relationships in mathematics and make generalisations
  10. appreciate the interdependence of different areas of mathematics
  11. acquire a foundation for further study of mathematics or for other disciplines.
Content overview:
  • Number
  • Algebra and graphs
  • Coordinate geometry
  • Geometry
  • Mensuration
  • Trigonometry
  • Vectors and transformations
  • Probability
  • Statistics
The aims are to enable students to:
  1. develop an understanding of mathematical principles, concepts and methods in a way which encourages confidence, provides satisfaction and enjoyment, and develops a positive attitude towards mathematics
  2. develop a feel for number and understand the significance of the results obtained
  3. apply mathematics in everyday situations and develop an understanding of the part that mathematics plays in learners’ own lives and the world around them
  4. analyse and solve problems, present the solutions clearly, and check and interpret the results
  5. recognise when and how a situation may be represented mathematically, identify and interpret relevant factors, select an appropriate mathematical method to solve the problem, and evaluate the method used
  6. use mathematics as a means of communication with emphasis on the use of clear expression and structured argument
  7. develop an ability to apply mathematics in other subjects, particularly science and technology
  8. develop the ability to reason logically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions
  9. appreciate patterns and relationships in mathematics and make generalisations
  10. appreciate the interdependence of different areas of mathematics
  11. acquire a foundation for further study of mathematics or for other disciplines.
Course Schedule
Course Schedule
Taught By
Taught By
Teacher Athena

Teacher Athena has 7.5 yrs professional teaching experience but started her career in tutoring since 2009. She's been teaching mathematics for aged 12 yrs and above. She never stopped teaching because she enjoy seeing the bright smiles on the faces of students who had previously struggled with maths.


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