Intro to Global Politics

  • Type

    Ongoing class

  • Duration

    10 classes (60 mins / class)

  • Size

    8 students / class

This course will be focused on prepping future IB students for the IB Global Politics course. This will involve an in-depth look at the key concepts, theories and techniques that students will require for the subject. By the end of the course, students should be able to discuss and analyse various political issues through various lenses.
This course will cover:
  • Political Theorists
  • IB Global Politics concepts
  • Essay writing skills
  • Oral Presentation skills
  • Modern-day case studies and examples
You can expect your child to:
  1. Incorporate analytical perspectives from various political theorists
  2. Develop a transnational perspective on current political and social issues
  3. Support, defend and critique various claims and arguments
  4. Understand the local, national, international and global dimensions to political and social issues
  5. Develop research skills including comprehension and primary source analysis
  6. Develop an appreciation of the complexities of political issues
  7. Develop the ability to compare and contrast perspectives or global issues
This course will be focused on prepping future IB students for the IB Global Politics course. This will involve an in-depth look at the key concepts, theories and techniques that students will require for the subject. By the end of the course, students should be able to discuss and analyse various political issues through various lenses.
This course will cover:
  • Political Theorists
  • IB Global Politics concepts
  • Essay writing skills
  • Oral Presentation skills
  • Modern-day case studies and examples
You can expect your child to:
  1. Incorporate analytical perspectives from various political theorists
  2. Develop a transnational perspective on current political and social issues
  3. Support, defend and critique various claims and arguments
  4. Understand the local, national, international and global dimensions to political and social issues
  5. Develop research skills including comprehension and primary source analysis
  6. Develop an appreciation of the complexities of political issues
  7. Develop the ability to compare and contrast perspectives or global issues
Course Schedule
Course Schedule
Taught By
Taught By
Teacher Yubil

Teacher Yubil has 1.5 years of experience teaching at an online school. She teaches English writing for ages 14-17, Emotional Quotient building for ages 7-9, and Business Psychology for ages 9-14, as well as a Theatre-oriented confidence building course. Teacher Yubil is currently an undergraduate studying Anthropology, Sociology and Gender Studies. She completed her IB diploma in 2020. Teacher Yubil coaches students by connecting with them on a personal level in order to increase both their motivation and confidence. She is a passionate teacher who is invested in her student's continual growth and learning.


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