P4 Chinese ~ Preparation for Final Year Exam!

  • Type

    Ongoing class

  • Duration

    6 classes (75 mins / class)

  • Class Size

    8 students / class

Do you want to have your Final Revision for Chinese before your P4 Final Year Exam? Yes, this course will cover everything you need to know about P4 Chinese SA2 paper before you sit for your Final Year Exam! Top Primary Schools' Test and Exam papers will be provided to familiarise you with the P4 Chinese SA2 paper exam format and the typical questions that will come out for the P4 Chinese paper. All sections of the P4 Chinese SA2 exam paper will be covered in detail. This exam-oriented approach will help you to know what to expect when sitting for your P4 Chinese SA2 Paper, which will help you to be less nervous when tackling questions in the P4 Chinese SA2 exam paper.
Note: Pdf version of Top Primary Schools’ Test and Exam papers will be provided. Students need to have printers to print out the papers themselves.
This course will be taught by Ms Chua. She is a Tutor and MOE Relief Teacher and she has been tutoring upper primary students for the past 6 years. Ms Chua was a top student who graduated with Honours in Civil Engineering from University of Toronto (top university in Canada) and scored straight As for both ‘A’ and ‘O’ Levels at Raffles Junior College and Raffles Girls’ Secondary School respectively. She was awarded the Prime Minister’s Book Prize at her ‘O’ Level for being the top few students in the cohort with the highest combined scores for both English and Mother Tongue. She had also consistently scored full marks for Maths throughout her schooling years as Maths has always been her favourite subject. Ms Chua’s teaching method is based on her own past learning experience in school which led to her excellent academic results. Ms Chua’s students have always seen guaranteed improvements in their school results within 2-3 school terms. Some of her students had even improved tremendously in their school results, such as from barely passing to A. Ms Chua is a dedicated, caring and nurturing teacher who has the best interests for her students and is always encouraging her students to do better in school. She is also a friendly, patient and approachable teacher who is good with children and her students always find her lessons lively, enjoyable and enlightening. Ms Chua’s Teaching Motto is “I teach because I am passionate about teaching, and I am good at it!”
Do you want to have your Final Revision for Chinese before your P4 Final Year Exam? Yes, this course will cover everything you need to know about P4 Chinese SA2 paper before you sit for your Final Year Exam! Top Primary Schools' Test and Exam papers will be provided to familiarise you with the P4 Chinese SA2 paper exam format and the typical questions that will come out for the P4 Chinese paper. All sections of the P4 Chinese SA2 exam paper will be covered in detail. This exam-oriented approach will help you to know what to expect when sitting for your P4 Chinese SA2 Paper, which will help you to be less nervous when tackling questions in the P4 Chinese SA2 exam paper.
Note: Pdf version of Top Primary Schools’ Test and Exam papers will be provided. Students need to have printers to print out the papers themselves.
This course will be taught by Ms Chua. She is a Tutor and MOE Relief Teacher and she has been tutoring upper primary students for the past 6 years. Ms Chua was a top student who graduated with Honours in Civil Engineering from University of Toronto (top university in Canada) and scored straight As for both ‘A’ and ‘O’ Levels at Raffles Junior College and Raffles Girls’ Secondary School respectively. She was awarded the Prime Minister’s Book Prize at her ‘O’ Level for being the top few students in the cohort with the highest combined scores for both English and Mother Tongue. She had also consistently scored full marks for Maths throughout her schooling years as Maths has always been her favourite subject. Ms Chua’s teaching method is based on her own past learning experience in school which led to her excellent academic results. Ms Chua’s students have always seen guaranteed improvements in their school results within 2-3 school terms. Some of her students had even improved tremendously in their school results, such as from barely passing to A. Ms Chua is a dedicated, caring and nurturing teacher who has the best interests for her students and is always encouraging her students to do better in school. She is also a friendly, patient and approachable teacher who is good with children and her students always find her lessons lively, enjoyable and enlightening. Ms Chua’s Teaching Motto is “I teach because I am passionate about teaching, and I am good at it!”
Course Schedule
Course Schedule
Taught By
Taught By
Teacher Ms Chua Chua

Ms Chua holds a bachelor's degree in Engineering from the University of Toronto. She has set up her own teaching business and has been teaching English Math and Chinese for the past 5 years for Primary 1 to Primary 6 students. Ms Chua is a caring, enthusiastic and friendly teacher.


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