Secondary 4/5 English Course (Express/Normal Academic)

  • Type

    Ongoing course

  • Duration

    10 classes (90 mins / class)

  • Size

    8 students / class

Paper 1
  • Section A: Editing Candidates identify and edit grammatical errors in a short written text.
  • Section B: Situational Writing Candidates write 250–350 words on a given situation which will involve viewing a visual text.
  • Section C: Continuous Writing Candidates write 350–500 words on one of four topics set.
Paper 2
  • Section A: Candidates respond to questions based on Text 1, a visual text.
  • Section B: Candidates respond to a variety of questions based on Text 2 which is a narrative or a recount.
  • Section C: Candidates respond to a variety of questions based on Text 3, a non-narrative text, and write an 80-word response to a summary writing task.
Paper 3
  • Section A: Candidates respond to a variety of listening tasks based on a number of audio recordings which the candidates will hear twice.
  • Section B: Candidates listen to an audio recording and do a simple note-taking exercise. Candidates will hear the recording only once.
Paper 4
Oral Communication The two parts in this paper are thematically linked.
  • Part 1: Reading Aloud Candidates read aloud a short text, presented on a computer screen.
  • Part 2: Spoken Interaction Candidates engage in a discussion with the Examiners on a topic based on a visual stimulus in the form of a video clip.
Paper 1
  • Section A: Editing Candidates identify and edit grammatical errors in a short written text.
  • Section B: Situational Writing Candidates write 250–350 words on a given situation which will involve viewing a visual text.
  • Section C: Continuous Writing Candidates write 350–500 words on one of four topics set.
Paper 2
  • Section A: Candidates respond to questions based on Text 1, a visual text.
  • Section B: Candidates respond to a variety of questions based on Text 2 which is a narrative or a recount.
  • Section C: Candidates respond to a variety of questions based on Text 3, a non-narrative text, and write an 80-word response to a summary writing task.
Paper 3
  • Section A: Candidates respond to a variety of listening tasks based on a number of audio recordings which the candidates will hear twice.
  • Section B: Candidates listen to an audio recording and do a simple note-taking exercise. Candidates will hear the recording only once.
Paper 4
Oral Communication The two parts in this paper are thematically linked.
  • Part 1: Reading Aloud Candidates read aloud a short text, presented on a computer screen.
  • Part 2: Spoken Interaction Candidates engage in a discussion with the Examiners on a topic based on a visual stimulus in the form of a video clip.
Course Schedule
Course Schedule
Taught By
Taught By
Teacher William

Teacher William has been teaching for the past 20 years as an English and Social studies teacher. As an accomplished educator/facilitator, he prides himself in being able to teach, motivate, and direct students while maintaining high interest and achievement levels.


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