Secondary Two Science

  • Type

    Ongoing course

  • Duration

    10 classes (90 mins / class)

  • Class Size

    1-8 students / class

Course Details Physics
  • 1. Model: Light
– ray model of light, ray diagrams – properties of light: light and shadows (eclipses), smooth / rough / coloured surfaces – reflection, refraction, total internal reflection – effects and uses of plane / curved reflecting surfaces – mixture / components of white light, dispersion, prisms, colour vision – lenses, eyes
  • 2. Interactions: Electromagnetic waves and sound
– transverse and longitudinal waves – vibrating source, particles of medium interact, energy transfer – loudness and wave amplitude; pitch and frequency – sound (speech, music, ultrasound) vs noise
  • 3. Models: Particulate nature of matter
– explain kinetic model => random constant motion of small discrete particles – explain solid, liquid, gas by particles arrangement and movement – explain physical properties (e.g. volume, shape, density, compressibility) – explain state transitions, expansion, contraction, conservation of mass
  • 4. Interactions: Heat energy and its transmission
– contraction and expansion: explain with heat transfer, effect on volume and density, explain daily applications – conduction, convection and radiation; explain daily uses (e.g. vacuum flask, double-glazed windows, solar heaters) – different rate of heat flow by different materials – effect of nature of surface and temp gradient on radiation – global warming and climate change
  • 5. Systems: DC electricity
– current, potential difference and resistance: definition, formula and SI units – circuit diagrams and components – series and parallel arrangement of resistors and batteries – chemical, heating and magnetic effects of electricity – Power, calculations, SI unit, kWh costing of electricity use – Practical use of electricity, hazards and precautions   Chemistry
  • 1. Models: Atoms and molecules
– subatomic structure: protons, electrons, neutrons – structure – function relationship – a molecule: ≥2 atoms chemically combined – periodic trends – understand chemical formulas – applications, social and ethical issues, risks and costs
  • 2. Models: Chemical bonding
– ionic, covalent – writing and balancing chemical equations
  • 3. Interactions: Chemical changes
Course Details Physics
  • 1. Model: Light
– ray model of light, ray diagrams – properties of light: light and shadows (eclipses), smooth / rough / coloured surfaces – reflection, refraction, total internal reflection – effects and uses of plane / curved reflecting surfaces – mixture / components of white light, dispersion, prisms, colour vision – lenses, eyes
  • 2. Interactions: Electromagnetic waves and sound
– transverse and longitudinal waves – vibrating source, particles of medium interact, energy transfer – loudness and wave amplitude; pitch and frequency – sound (speech, music, ultrasound) vs noise
  • 3. Models: Particulate nature of matter
– explain kinetic model => random constant motion of small discrete particles – explain solid, liquid, gas by particles arrangement and movement – explain physical properties (e.g. volume, shape, density, compressibility) – explain state transitions, expansion, contraction, conservation of mass
  • 4. Interactions: Heat energy and its transmission
– contraction and expansion: explain with heat transfer, effect on volume and density, explain daily applications – conduction, convection and radiation; explain daily uses (e.g. vacuum flask, double-glazed windows, solar heaters) – different rate of heat flow by different materials – effect of nature of surface and temp gradient on radiation – global warming and climate change
  • 5. Systems: DC electricity
– current, potential difference and resistance: definition, formula and SI units – circuit diagrams and components – series and parallel arrangement of resistors and batteries – chemical, heating and magnetic effects of electricity – Power, calculations, SI unit, kWh costing of electricity use – Practical use of electricity, hazards and precautions   Chemistry
  • 1. Models: Atoms and molecules
– subatomic structure: protons, electrons, neutrons – structure – function relationship – a molecule: ≥2 atoms chemically combined – periodic trends – understand chemical formulas – applications, social and ethical issues, risks and costs
  • 2. Models: Chemical bonding
– ionic, covalent – writing and balancing chemical equations
  • 3. Interactions: Chemical changes
Course Schedule
Course Schedule
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Teacher pari

My effort is always to make my student an expert in understanding the particular subject even if he or she might have started from the beginner level. Although I have my focused offline set up of classes but also enjoying the experience of the world of online education with students from around the globe. Most of my Indian and International students are currently doing engineering and medical or specialised courses in renowned institutions of India and across the world...I am blessed that all my students are excelling in their respective grades and curriculum.


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