Tackling problem sum

  • Type

    Short Courses

  • Duration

    4 classes (60 mins / class)

  • Size

    8 students / class

  1. Students will be exposed to types of problem sums concepts and rules which include, fractions , four operations, ratio, percentage Model drawing techniques
  2. Students will be able to perform straightforward computation , basic skills of measuring, units of measurement , comparing and retrieving information in statistical and geometrical forms
  3. Students will be able to understand and apply mathematical concepts and skills in a variety of contexts
  4. Students will be exposed to heuristic mathematical questions to put on their thinking caps and strategize the best ways to solve the problem sums
  5. Students will be able to be participate in break out room discussions to do mini projects of challenging maths problem solving questions
  1. Students will be exposed to types of problem sums concepts and rules which include, fractions , four operations, ratio, percentage Model drawing techniques
  2. Students will be able to perform straightforward computation , basic skills of measuring, units of measurement , comparing and retrieving information in statistical and geometrical forms
  3. Students will be able to understand and apply mathematical concepts and skills in a variety of contexts
  4. Students will be exposed to heuristic mathematical questions to put on their thinking caps and strategize the best ways to solve the problem sums
  5. Students will be able to be participate in break out room discussions to do mini projects of challenging maths problem solving questions
Course Schedule
Course Schedule
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Taught By
Teacher June


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