Numeracy skills to prepare for P1 Mathematics

  • Type

    Ongoing class

  • Duration

    8 classes (90 mins / class)

  • Size

    8 student / class

Numeracy and Mathematics are connected. Children with strong numeracy skills give them the ability to confidently use mathematics to solve problems in everyday life. Numeracy allows the children to have better understanding on how mathematics is used in the real world and being able to apply it to make the best possible decisions – allowing them to interpret data, charts and diagrams, processing information, solving problems, understand and explain solutions as well as making decisions based on logical thinking and reasoning. It is the foundation to mathematics for Primary School.
The Course will cover:
  1. Simple Relationships and Patterns - Matching and Sorting Concept
Matching and Sorting are two basic and most fundamental numeracy skills needed for later concepts. It helps the children to develop a range of thinking skills. Matching and Sorting involved the use of visual memory and discrimination, and the identification of patterns, relationships, similarities and differences. Children will also be encouraged to articulate and explain how they have matched/sorted the items during the activity in class. (Explaining solutions/decision is part of numeracy skills).
  1. Simple Relationships and Patterns - Comparing Concept
Comparing allows children to notice the relationship between 2 objects or 2 sets of objects in terms of attributes such as size, length, and quantities, as they identified their similarities and differences.
  1. Simple Relationships and Patterns - Seriation Concept
Seriation Skills is the ability to arrange objects in order in sequence where the order has a meaning; sequences of events in story that provides structure for the plot etc. Seriation skills are important because it is related to more complex mathematics concepts such as ordination or placing numbers in the correct order. Children with well-developed seriation skills help to develop higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills, as seriation requires the children to analyse the situation and the develop a solution.
  1. Simple Relationships and Patterns - Patterning Concept
Patterning is a form of seriation. Patterning is a crucial component of pre-algebraic thinking. Patterning is the ability to define the rule(s) in a predictable sequence of items. Many researches have highlighted that patterning skills are a unique predictor of future success in mathematics in children, if a child is not proficient in his/her ability to recognize patterns and determine the rule guiding the pattern, it is likely that algebraic reasoning will be difficult. Patterning allows children to notice similarities and differences and then create rules that govern the pattern by using symbols to represent those relationships, which is linked to algebraic thinking.
  1. Counting and Number Sense - Part-Whole relationship:
Part-whole relationships are important for learning about number by partitioned into smaller constituents in the same way that 8 can be made up of 2 and 6. This allows children to develop the understanding of how numbers are made up of other numbers. When children are able to interpret a quantity in terms of its parts, it lays the foundation for understanding operations such as addition and subtraction.
  1. Counting and Number Sense - Number Bonds:
An essential strategy of Singapore mathematics – reflecting the ‘part-part-whole’ relationships of numbers as it shows how numbers are split or combined. Number bonds forge the number sense needed for early primary students to move to addition and subtraction, and therefore is an essential mental problem-solving strategy.
  1. Counting and Number Sense - Addition:
Addition is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic. Children will understand the addition and subtraction are inverses of each other. When they understand that addition and subtraction are inverses of each other, this is a big step towards them developing number sense. Addition and Subtraction gives them a secure foundation for later learning of mathematics, not just in arithmetic.
  1. Counting and Number Sense - Subtraction:
Subtraction is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic. Children will understand the addition and subtraction are inverses of each other. When they understand that addition and subtraction are inverses of each other, this is a big step towards them developing number sense. Addition and Subtraction gives them a secure foundation for later learning of mathematics, not just in arithmetic.
  1. Life Skill Mathematics - Money Concept:
Money is one of the two main skills that children need to know when they go into Primary School – to be able to identify money, be able to tender money and make change. Money comes in different shapes and sizes (coins and notes). Different units of money have different values that can be used to pay for different things. Size doesn’t matter, but the denomination of the money does.
  1. Life Skill Mathematics - Time Concept:
Learning to tell time is a very important skill especially when they first got to Primary school. Children will learn how to tell the time to the hour an half past the hour, as they know and learn the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day. Children will also learn to tell and write time from an analogue and digital clock. While introduce them to the concept of estimation and reading time with increase accuracy to the nearest minute, and recording and comparing time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours. Time concept vocabulary such as o’clock, a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, night and midnight will be introduced.  
Numeracy and Mathematics are connected. Children with strong numeracy skills give them the ability to confidently use mathematics to solve problems in everyday life. Numeracy allows the children to have better understanding on how mathematics is used in the real world and being able to apply it to make the best possible decisions – allowing them to interpret data, charts and diagrams, processing information, solving problems, understand and explain solutions as well as making decisions based on logical thinking and reasoning. It is the foundation to mathematics for Primary School.
The Course will cover:
  1. Simple Relationships and Patterns - Matching and Sorting Concept
Matching and Sorting are two basic and most fundamental numeracy skills needed for later concepts. It helps the children to develop a range of thinking skills. Matching and Sorting involved the use of visual memory and discrimination, and the identification of patterns, relationships, similarities and differences. Children will also be encouraged to articulate and explain how they have matched/sorted the items during the activity in class. (Explaining solutions/decision is part of numeracy skills).
  1. Simple Relationships and Patterns - Comparing Concept
Comparing allows children to notice the relationship between 2 objects or 2 sets of objects in terms of attributes such as size, length, and quantities, as they identified their similarities and differences.
  1. Simple Relationships and Patterns - Seriation Concept
Seriation Skills is the ability to arrange objects in order in sequence where the order has a meaning; sequences of events in story that provides structure for the plot etc. Seriation skills are important because it is related to more complex mathematics concepts such as ordination or placing numbers in the correct order. Children with well-developed seriation skills help to develop higher-order thinking and problem-solving skills, as seriation requires the children to analyse the situation and the develop a solution.
  1. Simple Relationships and Patterns - Patterning Concept
Patterning is a form of seriation. Patterning is a crucial component of pre-algebraic thinking. Patterning is the ability to define the rule(s) in a predictable sequence of items. Many researches have highlighted that patterning skills are a unique predictor of future success in mathematics in children, if a child is not proficient in his/her ability to recognize patterns and determine the rule guiding the pattern, it is likely that algebraic reasoning will be difficult. Patterning allows children to notice similarities and differences and then create rules that govern the pattern by using symbols to represent those relationships, which is linked to algebraic thinking.
  1. Counting and Number Sense - Part-Whole relationship:
Part-whole relationships are important for learning about number by partitioned into smaller constituents in the same way that 8 can be made up of 2 and 6. This allows children to develop the understanding of how numbers are made up of other numbers. When children are able to interpret a quantity in terms of its parts, it lays the foundation for understanding operations such as addition and subtraction.
  1. Counting and Number Sense - Number Bonds:
An essential strategy of Singapore mathematics – reflecting the ‘part-part-whole’ relationships of numbers as it shows how numbers are split or combined. Number bonds forge the number sense needed for early primary students to move to addition and subtraction, and therefore is an essential mental problem-solving strategy.
  1. Counting and Number Sense - Addition:
Addition is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic. Children will understand the addition and subtraction are inverses of each other. When they understand that addition and subtraction are inverses of each other, this is a big step towards them developing number sense. Addition and Subtraction gives them a secure foundation for later learning of mathematics, not just in arithmetic.
  1. Counting and Number Sense - Subtraction:
Subtraction is one of the four basic operations of arithmetic. Children will understand the addition and subtraction are inverses of each other. When they understand that addition and subtraction are inverses of each other, this is a big step towards them developing number sense. Addition and Subtraction gives them a secure foundation for later learning of mathematics, not just in arithmetic.
  1. Life Skill Mathematics - Money Concept:
Money is one of the two main skills that children need to know when they go into Primary School – to be able to identify money, be able to tender money and make change. Money comes in different shapes and sizes (coins and notes). Different units of money have different values that can be used to pay for different things. Size doesn’t matter, but the denomination of the money does.
  1. Life Skill Mathematics - Time Concept:
Learning to tell time is a very important skill especially when they first got to Primary school. Children will learn how to tell the time to the hour an half past the hour, as they know and learn the number of minutes in an hour and the number of hours in a day. Children will also learn to tell and write time from an analogue and digital clock. While introduce them to the concept of estimation and reading time with increase accuracy to the nearest minute, and recording and comparing time in terms of seconds, minutes and hours. Time concept vocabulary such as o’clock, a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, night and midnight will be introduced.  
Course Schedule
Course Schedule
Taught By
Taught By
Teacher Janice

Teacher Janice has 5 years of experience teaching preschool children. Notoably, she was teaching young children from ages varying from 2 – 6 years old at NTUC First Campus – My First Skool. Apart from that, she was engaged in private tutoring for Primary 1 to 3 students for a duration of 3 years.


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