Group Life Coaching (7-10 years old)

  • Type

    Short course

  • Duration

    10 classes (60 mins / class)

  • Size

    8 students / class

This is a Continuous-Coaching Programme to upkeep participants’ mental and emotional hygiene. Participants are given a platform to speak up about what concerns them in school, at home, or issues they do not find comfortable speaking to anyone else. The session is facilitated by Rella Quek, certified Therapist and Coach - to allow open and honest expression of each participant, hence information shared during the session will be kept 100% confidential within The Group. Participants will learn and practice mindfulness and self-soothing techniques that is useful and applicable through the rest of their lives. A topic/task is given at the end of each session for participants to reflect, assess and act upon throughout the following week.
Topics May Include (but not limited to):
  • Creative Expression
  • Communication Skills
  • Introspective Mind
  • Dealing with Changes
  • Handling Grieve
  • Building Self-Confidence
Programme Outcome:
  1. Emotionally regulated individuals
  2. Better sense of purpose in life
  3. Increased self-awareness
  4. Improved social skills
  5. Growth in resilience
This is a Continuous-Coaching Programme to upkeep participants’ mental and emotional hygiene. Participants are given a platform to speak up about what concerns them in school, at home, or issues they do not find comfortable speaking to anyone else. The session is facilitated by Rella Quek, certified Therapist and Coach - to allow open and honest expression of each participant, hence information shared during the session will be kept 100% confidential within The Group. Participants will learn and practice mindfulness and self-soothing techniques that is useful and applicable through the rest of their lives. A topic/task is given at the end of each session for participants to reflect, assess and act upon throughout the following week.
Topics May Include (but not limited to):
  • Creative Expression
  • Communication Skills
  • Introspective Mind
  • Dealing with Changes
  • Handling Grieve
  • Building Self-Confidence
Programme Outcome:
  1. Emotionally regulated individuals
  2. Better sense of purpose in life
  3. Increased self-awareness
  4. Improved social skills
  5. Growth in resilience
Course Schedule
Course Schedule
Taught By
Taught By
Teacher Rella

Rella is a Personal Trainer, Holistic Coach and Therapist for over the last 13 years. She has accumulated numerous internationally recognised credentials and a wealth of experience in helping her clients through mental, emotional and physical challenges. Her ability to shed light on her clients' 'blindspots' and guiding each individual at their own unique pace, is what makes growth and progress attainable and sustainable.


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